Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [pers pn] [be] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Fourteen ninety nine Out of that it 's all bottles ey or most of them bottles .
2 The Korean War and several other border wars , backed by the super-powers , had been judged not worth pressing the nuclear button for and it was this consideration which had produced the British H-Bomb in 1957 .
3 We can do so much more than simply acting as if we were all Victorians .
4 People get a very negative attitude , they think that these , like there was a caller recently that sort of equated nationalism with er , with you know Nazis and , that 's completely wrong , I mean , but , and , and , you 're all in the news you 're always hearing about the radical nationalist deputies as if they 're some sort of strange breed of person , but in fact they 're just like the MPs in our House of Commons , democratically elected people , sensible people who want peace , they want prosperity for their country and er , there 's , there 's no mad empire imperial ambitions , Lithuania has no need for an army or anything , but er apart from just maintaining er internal er control , but er people have a very strange attitude a very anti nationalists , I find it curious .
5 as if they were all part of some troubled dream I was having .
6 Everything was alike ; men resembled each other as if they were all brothers .
7 She had no objection to working for her keep , but if Penry Vaughan went on treating her as if she were some kind of serf she 'd stick to plain , basic cooking from now on , she thought resentfully .
8 Kandinskaya watched her as if she were some lab specimen but eight months of training had taught Jezrael techniques that smoothed her responses to a minimum .
9 I knew her for months before she admitted , in a low voice , what her job was — as if she were some sort of traitor to society .
10 After soaping her every nook and cranny , he rinsed her , and kissed her body reverently as if she were some deity to be worshipped and adored .
11 That was another thing — it did n't help her to maintain her own sense of proportion when the rest of the world treated Luke Hunter as if he were some kind of royalty …
12 It was the odd way he was looking at her , almost as if he were some kind of predatory animal waiting to pounce .
13 He treated her to a brief flash of his identity card before tucking it away out of sight ; people were still gaping at him as if he were some alien from outer space .
14 How dare this man demand his credentials as if he were some arriviste from the Colonies whose background had to be sniffed out and tracked down because his foreground was presumed to be so suspect !
15 He grazed through the streets as if he were some sort of god , head and shoulders above everyone .
16 Behind her Rune remained silent , his presence oppressive as if he were some Superman radiating a special kind of beam which could put the world to rights if only one believed in it .
17 And , by the way , " he added , as if it was all part of the same subject , " I think I 've come up with the safest combination of captain and crew for your journey .
18 They felt they 'd been made fools of … and the ring is some sort of family heirloom and his father went on as if it was all Rick 's fault that Angy had made off with it . ’
19 The Vadinamians like to stage Recovery as if it was some kind of major ceremonial — with the required assembling of all the off-worlders , the exact timing and so on .
20 He raised the bucket too , and shook it rhythmically , as if it was some kind of primitive musical instrument .
21 The man who used to ride around Knockglen as if it were all part of his estate ; that was Eve 's grandfather , Major Charles Westward .
22 as if it were any day .
23 He was studying it reverently , as if it were some breviary of tobacco .
24 They built a house , the Villa Eugénie , which eventually grew into the present Hôtel du Palais , a vast building close to the lush sands of the Grande Plage ( formerly known as the Plage tea Fous , because only the reckless , if not the insane , were thought likely to risk swimming there ) , very monumental and with a tricolour flying above it , as if it were some government department rather than merely a hotel .
25 It was disguised as if it were some form of regional assistance , whereas it was bailing out uneconomic , old industries which ought to have been modernised .
26 The establishment was ringed with barbed wire , and guarded by men of the R.A.F. Regiment whose N.C.O.s kept discipline by threatening their men that misdemeanours would result in their being sent ‘ inside the Park ’ , as if it were some sort of madhouse .
27 Usually , one then treats one set of relations as problematic and.simply assumes the existence of the other , as if it were some sort of indeterminate background noise or , more contentiously , assigns truth to one and falsity to the other .
28 People often treat science as if it were some sort of ‘ forbidden country ’ .
29 Richard and I thought you had settled so nicely ’ — as if I was some sort of jelly — and then , ‘ Well , if you really want to , I suppose it would be nice for you to earn a little pin money . ’
30 Three figures , their faces muffled by cloaks and broad-brimmed hats , seized me and began to beat me as if I was some dog .
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