Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah yeah yeah I had a shilling pocket money and out of that I saved up for a bike .
2 And you thought , ooh it 's going to be fifty degrees because of because we started off with a very easy number three pound sixty .
3 Every research study needs to be assessed on the criterion of whether it measures up to its own stated objectives .
4 Our groundshare next season will show what the team is really made of as we run out for home games on the unfamiliar battlefield of St Dodimeads Comprehensive .
5 Two mini Margis in the stalls are the target of most of the ad libs , and they respond as if they grew up with the star .
6 She nodded her head slowly , as if she went along with his refusal to let her read it .
7 And it was n't as if he put up with her cooking in the hope that he would .
8 ‘ I always felt as if you rode in on a white charger and saved me from my loneliness .
9 as if you walk round with a shotgun armoured tank .
10 It 's as if you go back into your childhood again .
11 As she said , ‘ The audience did n't know what the f — we were on about and it went on for simply ages , but Ken could be very indulgent with that sort of manic streak . ’
12 It sounds quite Jack Bruce-y in fact , with a pronounced ‘ honky ’ mid , which I actually quite like because it cuts through at a gig . ’
13 Erm we do n't see a great deal of difference that they 've had the same problem as we 've had , in that we ran out of time before we could put the er finished act together properly .
14 The dates are relevant in that they merge in with meetings and other interactions between the BYU and the University of Utah team and with the developing programme of the latter group .
15 Gloucester is different from Lear in that he gives in to his family and also Goneril and Regan .
16 And we know that from that it went back to B C , we can trace it back to B C from Arabia .
17 Like a bottle you expect to have whisky in and it turns out to be full of a specimen for the doctor . ’
18 This section looks at the range of techniques you can choose from before we move on in the next chapter to examine different ways video can be related to the rest of the language programme .
19 ladies and gentlemen I would like to move a very small amendment to do a the second a membership on on item four on where it says up to three represent the area etcetera erm now the which I am currently a member of includes three libraries erm which are and and there are in fact five County Councils involved in the area of those three libraries when in fact Bushey has its own Bushey and there was a but I would like to see
20 right , well , I 'm , I 'm not worried about the point as to whether it arise out of cross examination , I seldom am because there is always erm can be an opportunity for further cross examination if the other party wants to , so er on the grounds of the objection I , I , I do n't uphold it you can ask that if you like , but er I do want the jury always to keep their eye on that what really is the issue in the case er certainly from the defendants point of view , I know what you say
21 Depends on whether they come up with the same results .
22 The nine stages of gestation of the unit will take a variable length of time depending on whether it turns out to be an " elephant " or a " mouse " .
23 On whether you came on with the aggressive line you 're using now . ’
24 Laura smiled that silly sort of champagne smile that all men ( all right , some men ) look for before they move in for the kill .
25 You do n't give a damn about whether we get back in time for the meeting . ’
26 But she said , look at that I run up with ! , well remember that because she wants a dress made well it 's disgraceful !
27 Now that 's something that erm particularly that last point , that audit committees that are established in most efficient companies want to look at and I come back to the point that audit ought to be looked at as something that assists companies in efficiency as well as a mechanism for detecting fraud and yet the government does n't appear to be examining that .
28 It is the SGP that we shall arrive at if we sit down with our chemistry textbooks , or strike sparks through plausible mixtures of atmospheric gases in our laboratory , and calculate the odds of replicating molecules springing spontaneously into existence in a typical planetary atmosphere .
29 And the worst thing you can do is give your skin a short period of intensive exposure to sun — exactly what we go in for when we jet off on our summer holidays .
30 She gathered information all morning ; taking accurate measurements and soil tests , pin-pointing particular features or specimens on her plan , even photographs to remind her for when she got back to her drawing-board and began designing .
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