Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] over [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , the origins of increasing tension between the vicomtes of Béarn and the Plantagenets lie in the consequences of the disputes which developed after 1287 over the succession to Bigorre , Marsan and Béarn .
2 There had been a " partial agreement " with the Vatican since 1964 [ see p. 20341 ] , which itself had helped improve relations following the conflicts of 1949-50 over the secularization of schools and enforced closure of certain religious orders [ see pp. 9721-22 ; 11259 ] .
3 However , although only one in twenty of those over the age of 55 reported that they were pleased about the plant closure , those who did so were concentrated almost entirely in the group that was within three years of pension age when the redundancies took place .
4 of those over the age of 75 live alone .
5 On this issue the debate between T. H. Huxley and Bishop Wilberforce at the British Association meeting of 1860 over the significance of Darwin 's recently published The Origin of Species has entered into our mythology .
6 It 's been like this over a number of issues ever since the children were small , but it 's got worse since they 've been teenagers .
7 Temple disagreed with Lugard over almost everything , but above all over the degree of authority to be exercised from the centre .
8 Last night spokesmen for both Scottish Enterprise and the Irish Development Agency , said they were keeping in close touch with Digital over the review of their operations .
9 This is a good idea , especially for those over the age of six who may feel they are getting a little sophisticated for other parties .
10 The effect can also be interpreted as evidence that training courses in sign language for those over the age of 30 must be structured very differently , and there is no doubt that we need to consider the learning requirements of this group much more carefully .
11 Any kind of progression from the LEA system into a university of the kind accomplished by the CATs would be completely alien to the concept … the polytechnics were centres of comprehensive tertiary education for those over the age of 18 … they must offer a full range of courses , including some with modest entry qualifications designed for mature students …
12 They clashed in 1925 over the return to the gold standard and again in 1928–9 over Lloyd George 's proposals for loan-financed public works .
13 Conflict was deferred by the attempt to reach agreement along the lines of ‘ Manchuria for Korea ’ ( Mankan kó0kan ) ( i.e. Manchuria for Russia and Korea for Japan ) , but the two countries eventually came to blows in 1904 over the failure of Russian troops to withdraw on schedule from Manchuria .
14 This complaint is said to affect one person in three over the age of 60 in the West .
15 It is said to be present , although usually without symptoms , in one in ten people over the age of forty , and in one in three over the age of sixty .
16 Nationwide rioting in 1918 over the price of rice started in rural areas and threatened to reduce the country to chaos .
17 At the centre of political power , Johnson depended on his ability to retain the confidence of Congress over Vietnam ; and here also the overwhelming support , revealed in 1964 over the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution , began to break up .
18 He was also considered in some quarters to be less than entirely open in his Turf operations : his trainer Tom Coulthwaite had had his licence withdrawn earlier in 1913 over the running of two Ismay horses , though this was widely held to be an injustice .
19 Sir Anthony Barrowclough was told that police had wanted to interview Mrs Elizabeth Barlow in 1981 over the collapse of a stockbroking firm which had links with another investment company , Farrington Stead , a similar operation to Barlow Clowes .
20 As originally built , the depot was only half its eventual size , being extended in 1914 over the reservoir of the power station , which was behind .
21 Symbols were again at issue in the controversy in 1966 over the name for the new bridge over the Lagan in Belfast .
22 A crisis had erupted between Britain and Iran in 1951 over the future of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company .
23 An equally serious split occurred in 1926 over the issue of the General Strike .
24 But he made clear his support for more autonomy for the Scottish party , in particular over the appointment of the Scottish Labour leader .
25 In a downward direction , the government is responsible to the people through a general election , and the civil service is responsible to the Commons — the representatives of the people — because the convention of individual ministerial responsibility is still in force ( as " proved " by the resignation of Foreign Office ministers in 1982 over the failure of the Foreign Office to anticipate the Argentinian invasion of the Falkland Islands ) .
26 One reason why these categories have proved of little practical value is that particular individuals may shift from one to another over the course of time , a fact which also illustrates an additional distinction that has to be made in describing schizophrenia .
27 Our figures also support this view , the male to female ratio falling from 1.17 to 1.12 over the age of 60 years .
28 Scenting the strength of Coleby 's desire for the knife , he had beaten him up from two shillings to ten over a period of three days .
29 The Pensions Act which became law in August 1908 granted a pension of between 1s. and 5s. per week to those over the age of seventy with incomes of between £21 and £31 10s. p.a. , provided that they had not been imprisoned for any offence , including drunkenness , during the ten years preceding their claim , were not aliens or wives of aliens , and could satisfy the pension authority that they had not been guilty of ‘ habitual failure to work according to his ability , opportunity or need , for his own maintenance and that of his legal relatives ’ .
30 The Act limits the possession of crossbows to those over the age of 17 .
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