Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] who [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Two legs good or four wheels bad or does it depend who 's in the driving seat , after all who ever heard of a road sow .
2 Sensibly , from the point of view of the regime , Nicholas had taken the precaution of consigning the one prominent conspirator of 1825 who actually came from Siberia , Grigorii Baten'kov , to the Peter and Paul Fortress in St Petersburg .
3 Far too many of those who regularly spoke in those debates were a stage army who thought we should never have joined the Community in the first place .
4 This is reflected in our admiration for people who have made something of their lives , sometimes against great odds , and in our somewhat disappointed judgment of those who merely drift through life .
5 An overwhelming majority of those who still baulked at actual sacking favoured return to uniform , with the view that ‘ CID officers who are lazy and incompetent were so primarily because of the absence of the eventual sanction of removal from specialist duty . ’
6 Since the characters that helped the individual to succeed in the battle were the traditional Protestant virtues of enterprise , initiative and thrift , Spencer could project his philosophy as a new foundation for traditional morality , despite its tendency to encourage indifference to the suffering of those who still needed to be taught a lesson by a wise but harsh Nature .
7 It was an abomination and the Government were advised by the counterparts of those who now sit in the officials ' Box not to introduce it .
8 One Gallup survey of church-goers reveals that ‘ fifty-eight per cent of those who now go to church regularly , first began going when they were invited by someone they knew .
9 The ancestors of those who now process with marching bands , once crouched in rows panning the streams under the eye of armed guards .
10 The question of those who actually suffer from poverty should be considered separately from that of the true working classes , whose desire for a larger share of the wealth is of a different character .
11 Plod could herd them all together into a group , march them to and from their destinations , depriving them along the way of all alcohol ( not to mention all civil rights ) and beat the living daylights out of any who still insisted on stepping out of line .
12 The nexus appears to have been made for a sufficient number of the laity , as those who eventually voted in the referendum voted in favour of inscribing an appropriate anti-abortion clause in the constitution .
13 It can be argued that American children are not always very intelligent or easy to teach , with catastrophically short attention spans , but one can see the beginnings of a sad muddle even in England , with the publication of a homosexual prayer book giving instructions for a ‘ coming out ’ liturgy next door to prayers for those who already suffer from the American disease .
14 Working for Patients aims to further introduce market forces into the NHS in an attempt to achieve its stated objectives of better healthcare and choice for patients and greater satisfaction and rewards for those who successfully respond to local needs and preferences .
15 But do n't think that the benefits of Convocation membership are just for those who now live in the North West .
16 However , for those who still care about the continuance of vigorous and diverse English language publishing , this is pretty poor news .
17 Marketing will only work for those who really believe in listening and responding , it starts and ends with caring for people .
18 They have been criticised on the grounds that they may deny free speech , suppress significant literature or worthwhile criminological information , impinge upon copyright laws and have negligible effects upon those who actually profit from crime .
19 It will be difficult if not impossible to secure payment from those who frequently move to another address .
20 Each of the retentionist members of the Labour Cabinet in 1947/8 who still sat in the Commons voted for abolition .
21 For every black sportsman that becomes a Maurice Hope , a Daley Thompson or a Laurie Cunningham , there are thousands upon thousands who either slide into ignominy and failure or , in the sporting idiom , ‘ go nowhere ’ .
22 As one who was in the vanguard of the battle to halt and then reverse the ratchet of socialism , I appeal to all who really care for their country and their children 's future : do not give history an opportunity to repeat itself .
23 Shareholder apathy tends to work in the bidder 's favour because the 75 per cent majority is based on those who actually come to the meeting and vote ( or vote by proxy ) .
24 An upholstered armchair , a cream cake , a flat desk-top , are all objects of luxury to those who finally return to ‘ stumble around their own culture with the clumsiness of returned astronauts , to be simply uncritically grateful to be a Westerner , living in a culture that seems suddenly very precious and vulnerable ’ .
25 At a more subtle level , in both Richard III and Julius Caesar there is a sense in which disregarding portents is part of a more general characterization — of individuals who have taken their destiny into their own hands , or think they have , in contrast to those who consciously submit to their fate.6 However the context in which dreaming is used in the plot has to be constructed to suit the play — the ideology of the culture in which it is set must condition the characters ' responses .
26 Chandler , however , ( 1988a , p. 186 ) provides a timely reminder when he concludes that it ‘ is a frequent but pathetic fallacy in political analysis to believe that power necessarily accrues to those who habitually walk with the great ’ .
27 Her win at Brighton in a tough final has proved , even to those who still doubted after her Wimbledon win , that she is back !
28 To those who actually sat in the hearing room , it was difficult to grasp the degree to which cinema had taken over .
29 They will have suggested topics which will bind the poor as a class together ; topics which will excite them against the rich ; topics the discussion of which in the only form in which that discussion reaches the ear will be to make them think that some new law can make them comfortable … — that Government has at its disposal an inexhaustible fund out of which it can give to those who now want without also creating elsewhere other and greater wants .
30 A group of musicians stood in the angle of one of the buttresses of the cathedral playing tambour and fife whilst the Dean and Chapter , garlands of roses on their heads , danced in solemn procession around the severed head of a buck which had been placed on a pole , its brown eyes staring glassily over those who now rejoiced at its death .
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