Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 So any of these I reckon you could work out any any acid with any alkali you could work it out .
2 When I think of my previous existence — of all I thought I could reasonably expect of the rest of my life , an allowed place at the extreme corner of someone 's drawing-room carpet , a Servant 's garret or no better , I give thanks for every little thing , which is unspeakably dear to me .
3 I am sure de Macon had his hand on his dagger hilt and I realised for all they knew I could be a member of the Luciferi .
4 For all we knew it could have been 12 feet , since the weather was so bad at the top we could see no further than someone wearing a ski anorak and wellingtons sitting beside us .
5 For all we know he could be involved in the murder .
6 My mum does n't have a clue where he is and says she does n't think she can divorce him because of this for all we know he could be dead .
7 My mum does n't have a clue where he is and says she does n't think she can divorce him because of this for all we know he could be dead .
8 For all we know it could be dead easy .
9 For all we know she could have been made away with . ’
10 For all he knew she could be dead .
11 Now she was not orientated at all and for all she knew she could have been going round in circles .
12 But , since she had no wish to have a discussion with him about it when for all she knew he could have telephoned her hotel yesterday or the day before and been told simply that she was n't available , she chose to assume that he did not know .
13 With nine she felt she could not tell whether or not she could have provided support at home because it was impossible to assess their home care potential while they were in an institution .
14 In 1971 he thought he could help his brother in his illness by writing about their childhood .
15 At fourteen he found he could also copy perfectly any handwriting placed in front of him .
16 In the end they failed , but during their period of dominance they entered the sugar trade very successfully and persuaded the English in the West Indies to grow sugar to take the place of tobacco ; at first they thought they could absorb the English islands into the Amsterdam trading system , but while it quite soon turned out that this was not the case and direct Dutch influence did not last very long , the commitment to sugar dominated the islands for at least two hundred years and remained important long afterwards .
17 At first I felt I could n't take care of my own life , ’ she says , remembering a rocky past with its broken marriage , drink and drugs .
18 At first I thought I could not have children because of my age .
19 How long she ran , or how far , she had no idea , but at last she felt she could go no farther .
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