Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [adj] [noun sg] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 The control for each perinatal death was the next live birth born to Leicestershire woman in the intended place of delivery of the baby who died perinatally .
2 At Kylie 's side for that crucial trip was the man her father Ron had chosen to oversee her career .
3 But what you notice most of all about this astonishing arrangement are the mitre-shaped apertures high up on the walls of the nave and the apse , where , as at Saint-Savin , the old chemin de ronde runs .
4 The remarkable thing about this cinematic treat was the close comparison it bore to the scene at Stonethwaite campsite a few days previously .
5 One reason for this problem-dominated view is the over-concentration of people into a few undesigned places , largely because people do not have either the knowledge or the confidence to leave the beaten track , whether it be road or footpath .
6 The price paid for this powerful system is the introduction of a new unfamiliar notation with its associated fear factor for many teachers , particularly those unused to mathematics or flowcharts .
7 The first and most obvious targets for this new spirit were the religious houses , estimated to own a sixth of the land in England , which were losing vocations as the sterility of many of their practices became increasingly apparent .
8 The reason for this curious approach is the author 's intention to fuse two books into one .
9 One of the main pillars of support for this optimistic progressionism was the theory of evolution .
10 The main reason for this exceptional growth was the supply of Rufus Dog Food to in Germany achieving sales of over £3.5 million in its first year .
11 Part of the reason for this enlightened attitude is the lesson of the past .
12 Between 1916–17 and 1927 the setting for this particular drama was the bourgeois educational system of the Third Republic .
13 Of possible functional significance are the alterations of DNA conformation induced by binding of the VT2 peptide , made apparent by the strong sites of DNase I hypersensitivity in the gene 62 promoter ( Figure 4 ) .
14 The cost of that heroic effort is the ( annihilation of the individual hero ) : " he suffers the primordial contradiction in his own person " .
15 He recognised the law of value as that law which regulates the private commodity economy , and insisted that the law of primitive socialist accumulation is the one that regulates not only the internal workings of the state sector but also its relationship with the private sector .
16 A celebrated example of French masterly inactivity was the French policy of discouraging imports of Japanese video cassette recorders . ’
17 The focal point of this existing structure is the school 's policymaking group : The management board .
18 The most frustrating aspect of this preparatory phase is the waiting period before the attack is triggered .
19 A further consequence of this rash act was the birth of two daughters dependent on him ; Marianne ( Polly ) was born in 1753 and Elizabeth ( Bess ) in 1754 .
20 Overall , the crux of this six-point programme is the claim that Realism is a scientific way of thinking about international relations .
21 A further criticism of this new attribution is the very flimsy evidence in favour of the single ‘ core work ’ by Raven .
22 The totems of this new world were the Beveridge Report ( 1942 ) and the White Paper on Employment Policy ( 1944 ) [ Harris , 1977 ; 1981 ] .
23 Much of this small-scale inquiry is the result of the curiosity and the anxiety of the people currently working in the social services , whether statutory or voluntary .
24 The immediate cause of this putative legislation is the possibility that nearly 70 arthritic sufferers have died and nearly 4,000 have been injured as a result of taking the drug Opren .
25 One feature of this post-election scene is the need to get a grip on public expenditure .
26 By far the most important aspect of this uneven development was the undermining of the economic dominance of the United States .
27 The source of this subversive suggestion is the view , already mentioned in the Introduction , that social theorists who adhere too closely to a single set of explanatory canons are liable to put themselves at a disadvantage .
28 I believe that the logical extension of this organisational model is the establishment of a primary care NHS trust which would reflect local needs in its planning , use the considerable skills of general practice in needs assessment , and provide greatly increased job satisfaction for those providing health and social care .
29 An empirical application of this theoretical framework is the work of Frobel et al .
30 The essence of this constitutional malaise was the changing attitude of the young towards those in authority .
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