Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] that [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Three weeks later , at a time when the imperialist war thesis was very much in the ascendency , he was more specific : The French communists lacked the necessary cynicism and the capacity for political deception that would have been required to gain the maximum benefit from a dangerous diplomatic operation .
2 Part of the considerable achievement of Michael Mann 's imaginative but faithful treatment is that it manages to make acceptable for the 1990s some of the outmoded attitudes of its characters , and yet refuses to go for that eco-trendiness that will make Dances With Wolves look dated by the turn of the century .
3 Happily my inspector friend was at hand , He opened the Chief Constable 's hospitality cupboard , I had a dram and was told that they had been tipped off that afternoon about some Scot that would run some sheep through the Lion .
4 BGS has developed high-frequency sources and receivers for acoustic imaging that can resolve features down to about a metre .
5 And having made their decision they set out with a will to forge a network of rough roads through this wilderness that would link the stockades of wire .
6 An attractive dining area will enhance the appearance of the school and could turn out to be a much sought after local resource that will generate revenue for the school through after school lettings .
7 The positions for similar craft that will serve Europe , Africa and Asia were agreed in 1977 .
8 Following several years of development work and unsuccessful but nevertheless promising trials in late 1905 and early 1906 , he won the support of John ( later first Earl ) Jellicoe , ( Sir ) Percy Scott , and Sir John ( later first Baron ) Fisher [ qq.v. ] , which resulted in the establishment of an agreement to perfect the civilian inventor 's ideas for a mechanical system of using observed ranges and bearings to calculate firing solutions for naval artillery that would take account of the relative motion of the firing ship and target .
9 There is nothing about mere freedom that can guarantee anything .
10 He said : ‘ I am not making promises of a vague future , a never-never land that exists only in dreams ; these are the tangible developments that will take place , things that will happen in this coming year in which we will build the foundations of economic success that will endure and the foundations of social justice that will prevail . ’
11 In this context the rhetorical commitment to the free market begins to look contradictory not only in terms of the feather-bedding of urban redevelopment but also in the imposition of a particular new economic order , a specific choice about the form of economic change that will occur .
12 He was aware of the risks involved and that he was embarking on a kind of unnecessary surgery that could threaten his life , but it was what he wanted .
13 If it was a day of moody magnificence that would have inspired Thomas — coal-black skies , lashing rain , swirling winds — some would say it was n't one suited to the Wallaby winger 's high-summer skills .
14 It is only by experiment , experience and observation of the sensitivity of each patient that can determine the optimum size of dose to give .
15 One area of normal animation that can cause some heartaches is backgrounding and the scrolling of scenery as action moves from one place to another .
16 He says this in the kind of dry voice that ought to mean he is smiling .
17 We feel the shock and sadness of unreconciled behaviour that can follow people like that to the grave .
18 When Miss Garnett 's Project team set about producing a curriculum guide to the study of local churches , they were greatly assisted by a schematic study or flow-chart of possible work that might arise , devised for them by Mrs Mary Ball of the Leicester Museum .
19 The woman whom he paid for her favours so as to learn of that enchantment that could fuddle men and women ?
20 The legal concept of incorporation and the creation of separate legal personality must entail the recognition of interests of that entity that might require legal protection on the international plane .
21 Before redefining the upper limit of normal for the incidence of non-peristaltic deglutitive pressure waves , it seems appropriate to point out some fundamental shortcomings in the technique of prolonged recording that may lead to erroneous conclusions .
22 It is the work of two young and future geniuses of their generation , who together worked out the principles of architectural truthfulness that would guide the Arts and Crafts Movement in the future .
23 The central concern was less with lobbying amongst the powerful , than with creating an irresistible tide of popular opinion that would force the politicians into appropriate action .
24 As Chamberlain 's doctrines swept the Tory rank and file , liberal pacifists feared that Tariff Reform would provide the new imperialism with a level of popular appeal that would make it unstoppable .
25 There is not the amount of direct questioning that could give an interview the air of a lawyer/witness relationship .
26 Once more , however , that can be handled by a proper definition of the axes ; obviously it is future profitability of incremental investment that should go into the assessment of SBU attractiveness .
27 Both are spectacular , well-scripted pictures , but neither has the sort of commercial edge that would justify the high financial expectations their investors had of them .
28 For the ‘ purist ’ , applying a strict and arbitrary cut-off date such as 1900 creates the need of another category that will enable the capturing of examples already cited .
29 The presence or absence of public transport that can get people to work , that may be thought of as a service available between 8 and 9 am and 5 and 6 pm from Mondays to Fridays , is a much more realistic indicator of accessibility .
30 But it will mean some form of acceptable lifestyle that will subject us to the discipline of God 's world and the needs of his creation .
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