Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] [verb] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The great increase during this century has been in the paid work of married women .
2 Another example of regional development has been in the relocation of Government Departments away from the south-east .
3 Hitherto the focus of economic restructuring had been on the first ( and to a lesser extent the second — see above ) .
4 The burden of Russia 's social backwardness could not be thrown off as quickly as the threat of political counterrevolution had been by the end of the Civil War .
5 Such survivals in attitude and custom , however , can not obscure the fact that the fundamental direction of European society had been for decades moving increasingly into the hands of a bourgeoisie whose assumptions were at bottom not those of aristocratic society , even if it aped aristocratic style .
6 part of this interpretation has been by politicians and clerics as well as by judges .
7 The chief way out of this difficulty has been for empirical studies to focus on surrogates for power , rather than directly on the exercise of power itself .
8 There have been many variants , but one of the most extensive and thorough applications of this principle has been at Bijlmermeer in south-east Amsterdam .
9 While at the current time the main focus of this work has been to better assess need through localities , work is being undertaken to identify ways in which budgets could be allocated to localities and purchasing carried out at the local level .
10 Such an approach is , of course , not exclusively suited for " outsiders " analysing another community 's talk : in fact , most studies of this kind have been by monolinguals studying conversations in their own or related dialects .
11 Funding for research of this kind has been on a scale not approached by any other area of sociological enquiry .
12 In fact a more limited regime of this kind has been on the Soviet agenda for the Mediterranean for many years .
13 I 'd heard it said that th the development of this site has been in the development plan for twenty years
14 The argument is simple and reflexive : if the body of this book has been about helping teachers to be more able to deal with uncertainty , conflict and change — in a word , to become better learners — then the tail asserts that the core of their job should be to help young people to become good learners in their turn .
15 Most of this book has been about mainstream mental health care of adult people .
16 As has already been noted , however , most of this research has been on villages , rather than the more difficult scattered settlements ; the atypical patterns , such as the strings of villages in chalkland valleys , have received a disproportionate amount of attention ( Fig 15 )
17 The growth of labour-only sub-contracting has been of mutual benefit to both employers and employees .
18 The traditional response of moral philosophy has been to narrow down each act to its pure and innermost core , an act of pure will that , alone , is susceptible of moral assessment .
19 The most remarkable extension of central control has been in the field of local government .
20 It is obvious that before the sample was obtained another form of natural selection had been in progress : earlier purchases by the public and by the booksellers themselves .
21 The manipulation of such traits is not new because a form of genetic engineering has been in operation since humans , c. 10 kyr BP ( section 3.3.1 ) , first began to select plants and animals for agricultural purposes .
22 In Japan , talk of corporate governance has been about as common as sararimen in bowler hats .
23 We believe that the diagnosis of hiatal hernia has been over exagerated and only manometric studies combined with precise endoscopic evaluation can say whether we are dealing with a true hiatal hernia or a small initial Barrett 's oesophagus .
24 The most evident contributions of observational sociology have been in the study of effects .
25 The frequent attention given to the management of river banks has made many unsuitable for the nesting of Kingfishers , and the frequent clearance of marginal vegetation has been to the detriment of species such as the Reed Bunting , Sedge and Reed Warbler .
26 Indeed , their use of common law has been of especial importance in outlining and protecting certain rights of the individual .
27 The renunciation of any attempt to tax was at once cause and symptom of the state 's demise .
28 The feelings of Sixties youth had been at the centre of Crawford 's most successful screen characters , but his third film with director Richard Lester was to incense the older generation in a way that no film had done before .
29 Nor was anything said about the fact that federal support of civilian R&D has been at a ground-losing $14 000 million for the past three years — down by $3000 million since Reagan took office .
30 And so the incredible growth of government throughout this century has been in response to all kinds of problems : economic insecurity , unemployment , declining industries , poverty , natural monopolies , external costs , pollution , inflation .
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