Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 J. C. Schetky who describes himself as marine painter in ordinary to Her Majesty has little good to say about Islay in " Sketches of notes of a Cruise in Scotch Waters on board His Grace the Duke of Rutland 's Yacht Resolution in the Summer of 1848 . "
2 J. C. Schetky who describes himself as marine painter in ordinary to Her Majesty has little good to say about Islay in " Sketches of notes of a Cruise in Scotch Waters on board His Grace the Duke of Rutland 's Yacht Resolution in the Summer of 1848 . "
3 For this sense of heavy to be selected , the notion of ‘ consumption ’ in the immediate environment seems to be a prerequisite .
4 Just a little bit of light relief to liven up a dull voyage . ’
5 Although such fractures may not reach the surface , their effect is to reduce the pressure of incoming magma from magmastatic towards atmospheric .
6 From the birth of this form of Gothic in the 1740s to its final swan-song in the 1830s , the feeling of romance was ever strong — here castellations , quatrefoil windows , octagonal turrets , even castellated chimneys and , inside , a wonderful vaulted dining-room all added to the charm .
7 As Reg Underhill , he carried out the key role of national agent for Labour from 1972 to 1979 .
8 First her challenge to the primacy of ‘ meaning ’ and support of ‘ cool ’ rather than ‘ expressive ’ aesthetic assumptions was at the same time an advocacy of the collapse of some sort of deep level of signified into the signifier .
9 However , the rising level of deaths and serious injuries in industry generally is a matter of great shame to us all , but it is a matter of great shame in particular for those who can be held to be responsible .
10 Doing routine drug screening on urine samples at pre-employment examinations — and even at other times as a matter of Company policy — may produce surprisingly high positive results but this information is not as accurate an indicator of addictive disease in general as a consistently clear set of personnel records noting information that the Company already has readily at its disposal .
11 It is just as well that the tax price index , introduced by Nigel Lawson in an attempt to distract attention away from the inflationary impact of switching taxation from direct to indirect taxes , has never caught on as an indicator .
12 It was an order — a rare thing from Therese — and Flavia could not refuse it short of gross discourtesy in public to an older woman and a friend .
13 Although Valiant was of identical design to Vigilant with the same dimensions and general layout , we soon found out that in many ways she was a different ship .
14 It also stated that democratization required the guaranteed promotion and participation of civilian society in general in the drafting , implementation and evaluation of government policies at the different administrative levels .
15 the response to that behaviour , either within the framework of criminal prosecution of independent of it .
16 The success of Morrison 's project derived not from the cementing of working-class allegiance to Labour through the unions , but in filling the political vacuum created by the downturn of political and industrial militancy in the immediate postwar period .
17 Preliminary work on ASL has begun ( Bonvillian , Orlansky and Norvak , 1983 ; Scroggs , 1983 ) but these still mainly deal with the surprising findings of earlier development of signed versus spoken language ( see chapter 4 ) .
18 He also studies various duff keyboards ( Jagged Edge ) meets Ms Bracco for frenzied sex at dead of tropical night ( Body Heat ) .
19 They 've had nothing to do with each other for damn near twenty years .
20 There was a quickened magnificence about him , Nicandra , back from the ballroom , thought , as she had thought once before when he came riding towards her through a spring morning , transformed from little Dada into some kind of royal in his own right .
21 The historical legacy of this suspicion of parliamentary government is nowhere clearer than in the constitution of the Vth Republic , and an examination of this will show how , with partial replacement of national by EC government , different countries have different things to lose .
22 In the case of some engines which have been adjusted to take unleaded fuel , you may be advised to fill up with one tank of leaded to every three of unleaded fuel .
23 Henley 's M P , Michael Heseltine in fiery form against Labour at the Tory Party Conference .
24 It released Strachan for a pull-back that Wallace switched from right foot to left before beating the sluggish Beasant with a mis-hit shot into the bottom corner .
25 The conflicts of Horus and Seth formed an epic struggle with a great many episodes , during the course of which neither god escaped injury , but Horus achieved the final victory in this triumph of good over evil .
26 However , some judges do seem prepared to accept that the public are now more aware of character merchandising and there may be a change in this aspect of passing-off before too long .
27 Working from early morning to late in the evening , construction crews from the Grahams/ Farrans joint venture team are slotting together 90 tonnes concrete sections at the rate of three a day .
28 The possibility of widespread internal and , indeed , export distribution by rail caused a major transformation in Hungarian agriculture from pastoral to cereal production .
29 They estimate that two million Somalians are in immediate danger of starving to death .
30 Giardia lamblia produces a wide spectrum of infection in man ranging from asymptomatic carriage through acute to persistent diarrhoea with intestinal malabsorption .
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