Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] [noun] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 But the rivers of south-west France flow very indirectly , and the Adour makes a strange horseshoe of a tour through lower Gas cony before it gets to the sea .
2 The separation of spheres was less rigidly prescribed for working class women and it appears that working class suffragists aroused less ire on the part of politicians than did middle class women .
3 I went up to Scotland where by now they had dug the hole for this second plant and it looked absolutely enormous .
4 ( To be more explicit : landowners were to be compensated for lost development value as it existed in 1948 , out of a fund for £300 million reserved for this purpose . )
5 The new course has been developed to meet the Engineering Council 's requirements for incorporated engineer status and it is hoped that all of the colleges involved will be accredited by the Engineering Council .
6 Windows is rapidly becoming the standard for personal computer interfaces so it is very easy for someone to move to using the pen version .
7 She stared , hypnotised , not daring to move again as he resumed his task , and she fought her physical responses , rigidly blocking out the sensual touch of each curling finger as it hooked up the criss-crossing lace .
8 The omniscient author in Chapter 15 gives the reader a ‘ bird 's eye view ’ of each family group as it struggles to survive .
9 Special classes usually have the advantage of lower teacher-pupil ratios and it is therefore easier for teachers to organise activities in which the child 's level of participation in social and communicative activities can be carefully monitored and adapted to suit existing abilities .
10 I , er first of all I was a kind of shy wee laddie as it were on the council .
11 Nor did early twentieth-century state welfare provision do much to alleviate the position of working class wives because it too assumed the existence of the bourgeois family model and a family wage .
12 The bloodhound 's nose may be so overwhelmed by the scent of fresh skin cells that it is unable to follow them .
13 There is very little known abut the carvers of medieval bench ends but it is thought that most of them were ordinary local craftsmen , and so there would have been no reason to record this fact .
14 Christopher also seemed to indicate that the United States and its allies were considering a programme to provide Russia a kind of social safety net as it moves to free markets .
15 A careful note must be taken of this DC identifier as it is required in all other operations regarding the DC .
16 At the opening of the Hinkley C Inquiry the CEGB felt so confident about the support of this government policy that it was raised like a standard at the front of its arguments .
17 Krashen ( 1981 ) has offered a set of postulates concerning second language acquisition which forms a coherent model of this language task and it is useful to consider how BSL satisfies the series of five hypotheses which Krashen sets out :
18 A water meter operated softner regenerates after a predetermined volume of water has been softened , the benefit of this method being that it is very salt efficient since the unit regenerates only when it needs to .
19 At this level video can be the provider of real world experience if it is used to put advanced learners in the same position as native speakers .
20 Unfortunately , as work by Vickerman and others at the Channel Tunnel Research Unit shows , transport forms a relatively small component of overall product costs and it is difficult to isolate the benefits of specific infrastructure improvements .
21 Although they admit some doubt as to the exact mode of formation , King and Williams suggest that a swash bar is formed at low tide , that this bar is overrun by the tide , which produces a series of similar swash bars as it advances up the beach .
22 THE ICC has removed the ban on the ‘ rand rebels ’ on the grounds , as I understand , that South Africa is no longer outside the pale of accepted cricket intercourse as it was at time the offence was committed .
23 The Cehave case involved a sale of citrus pulp pellets where it was a term in the contract that the goods be shipped " in good condition " .
24 Sun Microsystems Inc will be building its next-generation workstations and servers out of a family of 64-bit multiprocessor chips that it is designing called UltraSparc , and the chips should take Sun machines close to the end of the decade .
25 The end result may sometimes be less polished than purpose-made demonstration material but case study material is intended as a working document of current classroom practice and it has the advantage of flexibility in the ways it can be used .
26 Either the Government performs a climbdown of epic humiliation scale or it publishes and risks being damned in the division lobbies .
27 Cellulose is the structural part of all vegetable matter and it is the strength and stiffness of cellulose which displays leaves and greenery to the sunshine so that photosynthesis can take place and become the principal chemical starting point for all forms of life .
28 A tiny frog is in the hands of environmental health officers after it leapt out from a bunch of bananas , bought in a supermarket in the Forest of Dean .
29 Now I know in some of the newspapers today it 's been suggested that you would be doing sort of long distance surgery as it were , but that 's not the case ?
30 Flowers concluded with a much-quoted dictum : ‘ There should be no commitment to a large programme of nuclear fission power until it has been demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that a method exists to ensure the safe containment of long-lived , highly radioactive waste for the indefinite future . ’
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