Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] [to-vb] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The nature of public enterprise objectives makes it difficult for political authorities to evaluate and control the activities of the enterprises .
2 Before we seek authorisation for the production phase , it will be necessary for each nation to restate or modify it 's planned off take and that will be done very firmly on the basis of the studies which er Group Captain Granville White has already d described which will factor in er against our military tasks , which is , y you know we define now fairly clearly , er exactly what aircraft are needed to undertake those tasks in what scenarios and in the future er as you say , there may well be scope for er adding additional aircraft types to that .
3 When , as in Scotland , little was asked , there was little need for strenuous efforts to direct and control local affairs from the centre , little to arouse opposition .
4 Despite the problems and doubts , sandwich courses remained a central feature of the polytechnics — even as some institutions began to press for full-time courses to replace or to accompany them .
5 So if the overriding aim is to minimize loss of earnings , it is economically rational for working women to delay or avoid marriage when it is no longer necessary for their financial security ( Ermisch 1981 ) .
6 Subject , however , to the help of the court in these various ways , the basic principle underlying the preparation and presentation of a party 's case in the High Court in England is that it is for that party to obtain and present the evidence which he needs by his own means , provided always that such means are lawful in the country in which they are used .
7 Delinquent subculture theory , with its emphasis on a collective solution to the problem , also allowed for social learning to augment and expedite the generation of delinquent values .
8 Yet , if we take this together with the fact that many other forms characteristic of modern English spread in these centuries from the East Midlands and the North , we can advance the hypothesis that this change was in progress in the East Midlands around 1300 , and look for further evidence to support or refute this .
9 For all the gloom in the property market , there remains an insatiable demand for old buildings to restore and convert .
10 I shivered and wondered if it was time for old Shallot to disappear or go ill with ague , but I remembered my promise .
11 Epictetus said of him that he offered no handle for another person to grip and hurt him .
12 No because our training is such that there is n't the officers just would not come into that bedroom at all because there is a threat in there and I 'm dealing with that threat and unless I specifically call for another officer to come and give me a hand there is no need to come in and in fact if anybody had 've done they 'd have been told to get out because I 've got a problem there and that 's my problem .
13 Managers who never leave do not have to wait for another manager to retire or die so that they can fill their shoes .
14 Father-of-three Sam never forgot her kindness and popped in every day for FORTY YEARS to chat and do odd jobs .
15 Last year was the centenary of the Borough Charters , so on the one hand I was trying to restore the traditions of the thing — erm we tried to reintroduce some of the pomp and ceremonial — and then on the other hand I felt that the mayoralty often did n't seem terribly relevant to people of my generation , and so I tried to involve a lot of young people in various activities and the offshoot of that has been a Youth Advisory Committee which I 've set up , which at the moment is in the process of trying to negotiate with the County Council for some premises to try and increase the sort of Youth Club type evening provision in the town .
16 And then on the other hand , I felt that the mayoralty often did n't seem terribly relevant to people of my generation , and so I tried to involve a lot of young people in various activities , and the offshoot of that has been a Youth Advisory Committee which I set up , which at the moment is in the process of trying to negotiate with the County Council for some premises to try and increase the sort of youth club type evening provision in the town .
17 I do n't think so I believe that the hunting fraternity is not blameless and indeed the , all their arguments are not quite correct in every sense but I firmly believe that there are more important matters for this council to debate and spend its time and money on .
18 If the defendants should succeed in such an application , upon the ground that a verdict and judgment for libel in favour of the council , as a local government authority , would constitute a breach of article 10 , it would be for this country to decide whether to leave the law as it would , on that hypothesis , have been declared to be , or to change it to avoid the risk of repetition .
19 The more rapid the fall in base level the greater will be the migration of the shoreline , as there will be less time for marine erosion to act and push the shoreline back towards the land during the fall .
20 I agree completely with J Derrick McClure and William Neill ( Points of View , 11 February ) about the need for Scottish people to recognise and respect the views of people from different backgrounds in this country .
21 After unsuccessful attempts to merge or collaborate with Renault and certain other European manufacturers in 1978–9 , Leyland announced proposals to collaborate with Honda in 1979 .
22 This calls for intensified efforts to conserve and utilize genetic resources . "
23 to use results generated by each other Party in such manner as is reasonably necessary in any case for such Party to use or exploit its own or other results
24 to use background technical information supplied by each other Party in such manner as is reasonably necessary in any case for such Party to use or exploit its own or other results
25 These relate largely to the ability of budget-holding GPs to determine and control what hospital treatment is supplied to their patients .
26 In fact , the Generalísimo 's unprecedented attentions to the visitor were no more , but also no less , than a lavish propaganda exercise designed as a show of political strength to conceal or shore up the underlying economic weakness and isolation of the regime .
27 While it remains ( in theory at least ) the prerogative of each agency to decide whether to co-operate with the overall plan , they are at least expected to notify the key worker if they intend to deviate from what has been agreed .
28 Recent pressure to end the obligation of junior officers to salute or stand in the presence of their seniors and recommendations to scrap the existing discipline code for a new ‘ code of ethics ’ applicable equally to all had dangerous implications , said Deputy Assistant Commissioner Lawrence Roach .
29 The denial of the use of that gift to evaluate and perpetuate the nature of the ‘ god ’ of the religion , and therefore its very foundation , is something which humanity must resist at all costs .
30 Until 1986 , the principal legislation affecting building society business was the Building Societies Act 1962 , which gave considerable powers to the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies to supervise and constrain the conduct of societies ' business .
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