Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [conj] i [verb] got " in BNC.

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1 Oh I do n't know about that cos I 've got to understand it have n't I .
2 But I mean , I do n't think you need to worry about that cos I think got round that when they when they converted up to .
3 but like I said nine times out of ten if I 've got pissed off with an album I change all of them .
4 People tell me they 'll fade and that I should n't worry about them , or that I should n't bother about things like that when I 've got a baby , but I ca n't help it .
5 ( Eg I got 2 pounds of a cop ticket for wimbledon — meaning I can see a match for 5.50 ) It only takes me going to 5 matches like this and I 've got good value for my initial investment .
6 We wo n't go into that because I 've got it and I make a joke .
7 So I used to go with him , and incidently he was a , he was very good on classical music , although we never went into this although I 'd got very close to him but I 'm sure he were brought up in an orphanage you know , and never talked about this but I 'm sure he was .
8 Well by this time it was ten to eight and I 'd got all these members were going to be outside , I was going to have to let them in and serve them and I was getting a bit frantic you see .
9 Steve , one thing that there was mention to that and I 've got a some pass it on just for people
10 They 've been taken as typical of the senior editors and right across every function area is is covered by that and I 've got erm sample job descriptions for all the editorial levels and I can get them for any other secretarial levels or design and I can acquire those if you want to see what has been done in terms of trying to draw up a framework , you know , that kind of thing .
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