Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [noun] [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 After urging measures upon the virtually comatose London committee of the Anti-Slavery Society he concluded urgent action would not follow ‘ unless the friends of the Cause in the Country exerted themselves without waiting for information and instructions from London and that many of our friends in London would be strengthened by a spontaneous movement in the Country ’ .
2 Don King was famous for swimming one-armed into the most critical positions , taking his shots , then melting away into another dimension until the danger had passed .
3 Under the scheme , which could become a draft directive by the end of the year , motorists would be denied the choice of purchasing parts from the largely cheaper independent suppliers .
4 Ultimately , however , the environmentalists criticized ‘ the farce of a consultation process which does not offer the public the option of ceasing production of the most lethal waste ever produced by man ’ .
5 A focus group would be a most interesting way of beginning work on the previously noted research into why some people do and why some people do not go to the theatre , but the results of such discussion would be hypothesis-provoking only , not in any way hypothesis-testing .
6 I went upstairs , showered and changed out of riding clothes into the more comfortable jeans and shirt I 'd worn the day before and pulled on sneakers and the red sweater for warmth .
7 Instead of allocating resources in the most efficient way there is a list of priorities .
8 Making a political virtue out of cutting taxes to the better off , in order to encourage them to give money to charity to meet the needs of others , is , to say the least , contrary .
9 As well as the thrill of danger there was the considerable intellectual satisfaction of taking part in the very sophisticated artillery barrages on closely defined targets which distinguished the assistance the gunners gave to the gallant infantry in the struggle to break through the defences of Tunis ; and his unit supported the epic fight of the Gurkhas , the Rajputana Rifles and the Essex Regiment on Garci .
10 Excellent support in the shape of Joss Ackland and Rosemary Harris , while Geraldine James , in the role of a tragic wife of a local fisherman , adds a touch of harrowing reality to the much more comfortable , privileged , middle-class existence of the main characters .
11 Arguing that we should criticize literature only on ‘ literary ’ grounds rather than on political or personal grounds ignores the difficulty of making boundaries between the purely literary and the political .
12 This completed the process begun in the early 1930s of concentrating generation on the most efficient stations , and using the least efficient only during the winter peaks .
13 Ruth Williams , who 's conservation officer for the region says some way has to be found of reducing pressure on the most popular beauty spots like Yat Rock .
14 ‘ Why get rid of the only man in the company who knows anything about selling jewellery in the most important time of the year ?
15 Responding to the charge that he is one , he wrote : ‘ Later scientific theories are better than earlier ones for solving puzzles in the often quite different environments to which they are applied .
16 Even for design , however , the skills of the computer scientists can be exploited in translating designs into the increasingly complex notations used by electronic publishing systems , and in understanding how the limitations and advantages of current and future technologies can affect design .
17 In promoting recycling as the best answer to waste disposal , environmentalists are therefore swimming against the tides of the market .
18 Seen by some as just a price/performance kicker in its initial guises , Intel is having well-documented problems in getting yields of the more important 66MHz part ( UX No 410 ) , and is reportedly still unable to get power consumption on the thing down to four watts .
19 Thus in a bid to weaken Arab support for allied action , Saddam turned the bunker deaths of Iraqi citizens into an international photo-opportunity while allied and Iraqi intelligence continue to collude in suppressing images of the dead Iraqi conscripts slaughtered by the bombing of Kuwait .
20 Aid donors had recently taken a tough stance in particular with the Sudanese government for preventing relief aircraft from reaching areas in the largely Christian south , where the civil war against the Sudanese People 's Liberation Army ( SPLA ) was at its height ; the Sudanese had claimed that such relief was being used to aid the rebels .
21 This gives them the major role in making decisions about the most important school resources .
22 Mrs Thatcher insisted it would make more sense to wait and see how it worked out in practice before preparing moves to the more controversial second and third stages of EMU — including a central bank and a single currency .
23 The DNA sequence of this PPT element in addition to exhibiting homology to the previously proposed neuronal consensus ( 8 ) has homology to other single stranded DNA binding protein elements which have recently been identified and occur in non neuronal genes .
24 Force O'Neill to CONCEDE MORE THAN HE WANTS TO OR THAN HE THINKS HE CAN DARE GIVE without risking overthrow by the more reactionary elements among the Unionists .
25 I have really nothing else to say , except to draw attention to the inherently contradictory nature of that for which you appear to be asking .
26 It would perhaps be better to concentrate on giving support for the newly elected socialist MPs , and trying to refound a clear sense of what socialism means today .
27 There are three techniques which amount to working rules for the more efficient discovery of pollution .
28 Right in nineteen ninety three , twenty five pound to the Police Widows and Orphans , hundred and fifty to the Girl Guides , two hundred and fifty Busy Otters , two hundred pound to Ottery Football , a thousand pound to Ottery Dyslexia Association , two hundred pounds to the W R V S for Talking Books for the Partially Sighted , fifty pounds for the Primary School , and fifty pounds for the St John 's Ambulance .
29 Now , as a background to that , I actually had one of my officers at undertake research of the in to establish what the demands were made upon us from th the section which includes at the present time .
30 In this kind of analysis the firm is often represented as a family in which respect for male elders is expressed by using seniority as the least disruptive and most predictable basis for internal promotion .
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