Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [conj] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Right from the days of the early caveman when he used fire not only for cooking but he also used it as means of lighting and keeping his family warm er during the winter months .
2 He was also a vegetarian , although the story goes that Chapman persuaded him to eat steaks after hearing that he sometimes felt faint when heading a ball .
3 A senior SDPJ legislator , Ryoichi Yasutsune , agreed to resign from the party on March 16 after admitting that he too had received funds from Tokyo Sagawa Kyubin .
4 After realizing that it also involved reordering agrarian relations he proceeded to fall under the spell of Mikhail Pozen , a large landowner from Poltava who was determined to prevent emancipation from damaging the interests of the gentry .
5 Classical composers at this point often took repetition so much for granted that they merely indicated an exact repetition with repeat marks ( as in the Mozart above ) .
6 He just takes it for granted that it always looks like this .
7 It was argued by some on the Public Schools Commission ( DES , 1970 ) , for , that parents and children would appreciate the value of the education they received and not simply take it for granted if they actually had to part with some money .
8 How pleased Mama would be ! — and she no longer took things for granted as she once had .
9 We saw herds of stags and although we never actually walked for a day when we did n't see anyone else , there was a week of walking when we only saw one other person for every day .
10 really I mean what you 're almost sort of presiding over is a sort of steady decline , really , but on the other hand I think some people think if you can make that as erm as sort of dignified as you can and actually give them sort of support when they actually need it ,
11 Thus instead of asking whether we ever know what will happen in the future , we ask in which if any circumstances our beliefs about the future are justified .
12 In order to provide it , adoptive parents themselves need the security of knowing that they alone have the joy and responsibility of bringing up the child .
13 Silly really , because her family had no way of knowing that she still covered her head .
14 However , do n't make the mistake of assuming that you necessarily need a conventional bass to construct a bassline .
15 It has been objected against this kind of reasoning that it really misses the point the sceptic is trying to make .
16 This is not indicated in the quarto ; and we have no means of telling whether it ever existed .
17 Very often the ‘ next picture ’ presents itself after a spell of working when I least expect it .
18 Grades , percentages and category labels are hopelessly inadequate to convey the load of meaning that we sometimes believe we are putting into them and which other people desperately try to get out from them again .
19 ‘ But perhaps you 're in danger of forgetting that it always did , and always will , take two to tango . ’
20 ‘ Marty , the director , was very wise to wait until the end of filming because he never told me he wanted me to do it .
21 Neutrinos are hard to detect : they interact so little with matter that they can probably float through entire galaxies without being affected ; they exist but have no mass nor any other physical property , which is like saying that they simultaneously exist and do not exist .
22 At this stage it is worth emphasising that we still deal with personal injury litigation under an adversarial system .
23 A shopkeeper in Nuremberg who said to a customer what ‘ in these days was common to almost everybody in Nuremberg ’ , that Hitler was set on continuing the war , tried to deceive the people into thinking that he still had a miracle weapon , and was ‘ nothing more than a criminal ’ , was denounced by the customer , taken away by the police , and shot for ‘ subversion of the military power ’ .
24 They can either be forced , or they can be ‘ deluded ’ into thinking that it actually serves their own ends .
25 I am sorry I have been so long in replying but I only got your letter two days ago .
26 ‘ The fact that in saying that you clearly mean to reassure me , ’ said Lydia , ‘ shows that you do not know me at all well .
27 But A J Lubin is mistaken in thinking that he now announced his intention to become an artist .
28 In those days , horses were still used on many farms for ploughing and I soon found myself staggering red-faced up a furrow , furiously gripping the wooden handles , astonished at the power of the mighty beasts plodding sombrely ahead .
29 On deciding that we definitely had all our food supplies , warm clothes , and most importantly , all the parts of our tent , we set off .
30 Tess became more and more exhausted and was near to fainting when they finally stopped .
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