Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [conj] [pron] [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do n't start that again , Ruth , or I 'll manually wrench your other ankle after I 've spanked your backside for suggesting that I am keeping you from your work .
2 Lee Kuan Yew 's son Lee Hsien Loong took over Goh 's post as PAP first assistant secretary-general and remained a Deputy Prime Minister ; however , he had given up the Trade and Industry portfolio in mid-November after announcing that he was undergoing treatment for cancer .
3 It is worth remembering that we are dealing with ‘ popular ’ music .
4 To give this impression would ensure shipwreck on a reef which we shall in any case be lucky to avoid , the indifference of the reader who takes it for granted that we are trying to deduce imperatives from the facts of which one ought to be aware , and assumes in advance that there has to be a flaw somewhere , hardly worth the trouble of locating , as in a new proposal for a perpetual-motion machine .
5 Well the others have made a bit , we just took it for granted that she was giving us ten per cent rise , and did n't bother , cos they trusted her , but
6 And if I had known this my justification for believing that they are playing at home would be defeated , because I also believe that they normally accept such invitations .
7 And the fact of having , and also of course of realising that he is having , the same experience as he , and the same sensation , as he 'd experienced many years before , this sensation releases a whole set of associated feelings .
8 His advisers hit on the idea of announcing that he was going on a cruise up the Hudson river where , away from prying eyes , he was propped up in a chair against the mast and anaesthetised .
9 So , by the time he 'd sort of looked and it were defrosting
10 Bungle and guitarist Graham now manage to animatedly throw themselves into proceedings instead of looking like they 're queueing in a pie shop .
11 Finally Rose of Lima also had the great consolation of believing that she was doing a socially useful job — and there were not many of these available for women in the early seventeenth century .
12 Perhaps the sentence ‘ Is it raining ? ’ expresses the state of wondering whether it is raining , and the sentence ‘ Shut the window , please ’ expresses the state of wishing the hearer to shut the window .
13 A common theme in the reaction against it has been a demand for the ‘ return to justice ’ : retributive justice is seen as having the virtue of acknowledging that it is punishing ‘ responsible ’ people , which in turn requires the safeguards of individual rights and public accountability of the ‘ due process of law ’ , and the limitations on intervention in people 's lives provided by the principle of retributive proportionality .
14 Is that a nice way of saying that there 's going to be a lot of fighting , is that what they 've been planning ?
15 When his book Early Conversation Pictures appeared , Evelyn took what Henry James would have called ‘ the rash and insensate step ’ of saying that he was enjoying it .
16 ‘ I am in favour of televising because it is going down well with my constituents … the world is paying attention ’ , said Mr David Nicholson , MP for Taunton .
17 See my dad likes videos and things like that but he wa he , I know he likes aftershave , he likes that Old Spice and that so I thought well I 'll get him something like that or I thought I sort of saw cos I 'm going shopping Saturday , I 'm trying to get it all Saturday if I can .
19 Look how easy it is — these 12 exercises will keep you feeling young and lithe , full of vitality and the satisfaction of knowing that you are taking care of your body .
20 She had no way of knowing that he was thinking not so much of the next photo story she would submit to him as the necessary therapy it might provide .
21 She had had no experience of domestic affairs , but she managed well enough , and had the satisfaction of knowing that she was doing something for Susan , after all .
22 Her alarm , it was patently obvious to her now , stemmed from a basic instinct of knowing that she was going to end up hurting inside .
23 This was because there are so many old Spanish customs within the company and rigidities of thinking which take a hell of a lot of changing when you 're talking about people .
24 Yeah I know but he did say that even though agents I 'm not giving you this and then he showed me all the things you know to sort of prove that he was doing it .
25 At the moment of writing , Labour seems to have lumbered itself with a system in which thode entitled to nominate — Labour MPs — will have no reliable means of guessing whether they are wasting their nominations on a no-hoper .
26 How can the Government conceivably justify the untruth of claiming that they are maintaining an aid programme when , according to their own figures , they have halved that provided by Labour ?
27 Only when things go wrong is the veil of privacy which normally conceals the workings of married life lifted , and usually in the hope of discovering that what is happening in one marriage is not , after all , so dissimilar from what is happening in others .
28 Unless one has data from repeated surveys across time , there is no way of telling whether one is dealing with pure age effects , pure period effects or an interaction between the two , termed generation or cohort effects .
29 That 's the whole point of repackaging that I was trying to get across this morning .
30 Sometimes , too , it is possible to make the mistake of thinking that she is expecting us to come up with all the answers when , often , all she wants is the opportunity to state the problem to someone who understands and will not criticise her .
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