Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [pron] out [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Worse , after trying one out in Dixons , I suffered a major attack of technofear .
2 He would never have thought of bringing it out against Yussuf .
3 If the motion was a feint , then indeed we shall by our advancing be less in reach of keeping them out of Derbyshire .
4 We were acting under the authority of the Security Council for the purpose authorised by the Security Council , and that did not extend to the invasion of Iraq otherwise than for the purpose of driving it out of Kuwait .
5 No point in admitting to the telephone call ; that would mean even less chance of prising anything out of Harris .
6 What have you done to us , in bringing us out of Egypt ?
7 Police forced the relatives to the ground before hustling them out of Liverpool Crown Court .
8 You collect points on the way by collecting books and letters and have to avoid the Gruzzles by pointing them out to Benny , who then slimes them .
9 By taking you out of Milano and the greasy hands of Arturo Silvio and his compatriots ?
10 It was Wharton-Tigar who , in the end , saved Klein 's life by shipping him out to Gibraltar when the Abwehr sought his arrest .
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