Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] on [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He read voraciously , developing his early appetite for books on visits to the shop in Crediton kept by his Aunt Susannah .
2 Annie felt angry with herself for dwelling on thoughts of the young man over the weekend .
3 Thus , in a cumulative response , consensus , dissensus and , possibly , conflict of opinions on matters concerning the management of change and on curriculum theories in action , could be examined between and within the different groups .
4 The Biennale 's catalogue , published by Allemandi , contains full details of all the exhibitors and a series of essays on aspects of the art market with partcular reference to the current economic situation .
5 Firstly , the forum for exchange of info on acoustics in the '60s and '70s was the folk clubs .
6 Scottish Members of Parliament on provisions of the Environmental Protection Bill ;
7 The tribunal would itself take the lead in questioning , reducing the reliance of parties on representatives with the forensic skills of questioning and cross-questioning .
8 THE SEVENTH in an occasional series of books on aspects of the Somerset & Dorset has just been released .
9 Detectives are investigating possible links with a series of assualts on women in the city .
10 The assumption that university matriculation still exercises any kind of influence on examinations at the age of 16 should be excised .
11 Meanwhile , some 300 potato farmers dumped 3,000 tons of potatoes on roads to the north western town of Pontivy , cutting it off for several hours .
12 Figure 5.4 Life course trajectory : type of household on axes of the age of the oldest member of the household and the median household RNR Source:GHS 1980 .
13 Help the Aged support a programme of work on issues concerning the extended family and community care .
14 With his vision of what they could achieve , he planned a whole series of assaults on airfields along the coastal strip .
15 A MAN being questioned by police investigating a series of attacks on horses across the south of England was released last night after being eliminated from inquiries .
16 The Gama'a vowed revenge for the death of those killed in Assiut , who included a 23-year-old militant leader believed by police to have directed the group 's campaign of attacks on tourists in the southern Nile valley .
17 There 've been a spate of attacks on barns in the same area , and the owner of the farm involved in the latest fire says he 's not ruling out arson .
18 Three weeks ago troops and helicopters launched a series of attacks on Kurds in the region , dropping napalm on villages and machine-gunning people fleeing in terror .
19 Among the sites listed are that of the 1956 crash of a nuclear-armed bomber aircraft at Albuquerque , New Mexico , and the Agriculture Research Center at Beltsville , Maryland , where scientists used radioactive matter to test the effects of fall-out on crops in the 50s and 60s .
20 He kept different types of hawks on blocks in the garden and used the stables as mews .
21 Last year it was forced to make over £28m of provisions on contracts for the Channel tunnel , Denmark 's Storebaelt Bridge and EuroDisney .
22 He granted a number of remissions of tolls on ships in the port of London — to the bishop of London ( S 1788 ) , for example , to the bishop of Rochester ( CS 152 : S 88 ) , to the abbess of Minster-in-Thanet ( CS 149 : S 86 ; CS 150 : S 87 ; CS 177 : S 91 ) and to the bishop of Worcester ( CS 171 : S 98 ) .
23 The Environmental Forum tries to find out the results of tests on emissions from the plant .
24 The venue has been changed from Scottish Churches House because of pressure on places at the last conference .
25 This has speeded up the flow of information on companies to the regions .
26 Taiwan 's policy since late 1987 had involved the gradual easing of restrictions on contacts with the mainland .
27 There has been a 30–40 per cent reduction in the amount of fat on pigs over the last 10 years , ’ says Professor James .
28 On April 20 the Higher Court of Justice overturned the December 1991 rulings of the Higher Military Court of Justice on members of the former Romanian Communist Party politburo ; the original sentences on manslaughter charges were cancelled and the charges , in connection with the suppression of the December 1989 uprising in Timisoara , were changed to complicity in or attempted " aggravated murder " ; sentences of up to 16 years in prison were handed down .
29 Greece also lodged strong protests over nationalist attacks on Greeks and their property in Albania , and over a series of raids on villages on the Greek side of the Greek-Albanian border .
30 The arrest followed a series of raids on homes in the area .
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