Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] with [art] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 The measures followed the resignation on April 2 of Rolf Kullberg as governor of the Bank of Finland ( central bank ) after disagreements with the government over economic policy .
2 Nevertheless , it came after a series of disagreements with the government over the previous 18 months .
3 Le Monde had reported on June 29 that Wolfgang Schauble , the West German Interior Minister , had complained of disagreements with the Netherlands over policies toward drugs , but that the five still hoped to remove their respective border controls by January 1991 .
4 Latest costings showed his cows giving 9,595 litres of milk with a margin over purchased feed of £1,545 and a gross margin per hectare at a ‘ staggering ’ £4,611 .
5 On Nov. 12 the government announced that it had accepted the resignation of the three most senior commanders of the armed forces , while insisting that the reshuffle was part of routine annual promotions and that there was no question of disagreement with the military over the handling of the anti-guerrilla crackdown .
6 Meanwhile , Hunt had carried out further costing work for Barry on the Houses of Parliament , and when Hall arrived at the Office of Works with the dispute over expenditure between Barry and the Office at its height , he shrewdly persuaded Hunt to change sides in an attempt to gain the upper hand .
7 The Interfax news agency reported on Nov. 24 that Hetman , whose resignation because of " illness " had been confirmed by parliament the day before , had gone because of differences with the government over currency policy .
8 The latest round of negotiations with the government over Kurdish autonomy [ see pp. 38126 ; 38211 ; 38308 ] ended on Aug. 20 with apparent agreement on a draft settlement , believed to include provisions for the resettlement of Kurdish refugees and the creation of a Kurdish executive and legislative council for the autonomous region .
9 Although the USSR has hinted at the possibility of cooperation with the GCC over issues of Gulf security , its attitude to this body , especially over GCC plans for coordinated security arrangements , remained negative in the early 1980s .
10 Gombojavyn Ochirbat , the MPRP chair , announced on July 31 that the party would be willing to enter into discussions with the opposition over the possibility of forming a coalition government .
11 Individual schools did enter into correspondence with the TES over its reporting of the full HMI report , and over the findings themselves .
12 He came into battle with the school over the obligation to parade with the Officers Training Corps .
13 This in turn drew many striking and picketing miners into conflict with the police over the rights and wrongs of conducting protest during industrial disputes .
14 The now ‘ buzzing ’ James ( a week previously they had consented to allow the NME to run their cover story ) went into discussion with The Smiths over a proposed filming of James ' appearance for release in Factory 's video outlet Ikon .
15 The IBOA will , of course , be tackling this particular problem in discussions with the Banks over the coming months .
16 I 've got you taped TOMMY SMITH scoffs at the tough-guy claims of Vinny Jones ( left ) , the Wimbledon ace who is in trouble with the FA over his video outburst .
17 In comparison with the debate over deindustrialization , the debate on the uneven development of service sector growth is less advanced ; the theoretical divisions are less clear-cut .
18 This attitude has certainly prevailed in negotiations with the Americans over the question of agricultural protection .
19 ‘ We are in consultation with the employer over its implications for our members . ’
20 In the second half of September the Bavarian Cultural Ministry was still in discussion with the Fürstin over what should be included in the sale , with particular efforts being made to acquire , or cause to be withdrawn , items with strong Bavarian or Regensburg connections .
21 For instance , although the Farjana tribe generally supported Magharba , one section was in dispute with the others over land rights : the Zuwaya nominated a man from this dissident section .
22 USAID , the main US donor , will not disburse payments if the country is in dispute with the IMF over the terms of its rescheduling or loan agreements .
23 In a highly charged political atmosphere it was a short step from dispute with the authorities over student issues to broader criticism of the socio-political structure .
24 But in the highly-charged political atmosphere of late tsarist Russia , it was a short step from dispute with the authorities over issues of higher education to more general criticism of the socio-political structure .
25 In connection with the scandal over illegal arms shipments to Croatia involving the army and its C.-in-C. , former dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte [ see p. 38673-74 ] , President Patricio Aylwin Azócar on Jan. 3 ordered the dismissal of the head of the army 's ordnance company FAMAE , Brig. -Gen .
26 Q plans to put out the final part of his novel on video with the narration over Super 8 footage shot by Don Letts , before issuing a DEADMEAT ‘ remix ’ mass-market edition , and then moving on to a new book to be called Supermodel and concerned with , well , supermodels .
27 Gold EIA , a group which consistently reiterated that it was not anti-mining , is mainly concerned with the adequate articulation of local interests through consultation with the state over the proposed mining .
28 There was the handsome , twenty-year-old Warrant Officer Jean Navarre , who chalked up the Cigognes ' first victories at Verdun with a right-and-a-left over Fort Douaumont the day after its fall .
29 Austria not only had historical reasons for taking Russia 's part , but also was at odds with the Turks over the principality of Montenegro in the western Balkans .
30 He acknowledged they were at odds with the Government over the agreement , but said the North Down association would support the party manifesto .
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