Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] to the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In a wider sense , we need to consider the effects of world issues such as damage to the environment by pollution of air , soil and water ; the rapidly diminishing rain forests ; wars , famine , and the nuclear threat .
2 If agreed by the Council of Ministers it will form the basis for support to the maintenance of traditional agriculture without intensification .
3 A Board of Associateship was set up to manage the new regulations for admission to the Register of Chartered Librarians , and delegated to the Association 's expert Sub-Committee on Training the task of detailed assessment of the training programmes designated to meet these new regulations .
4 All intending applicants for admission to the Faculty of Divinity are always welcome to visit the Faculty for a discussion with a member of staff .
5 This has meant a decline in the number of applications for admission to the Home in recent years , and with the certain reduction in the numbers at the Home in the future by death , it was obvious that the Home — to use a common words these days — was no longer " viable " .
6 Fullers and carpenters required 20 marks for admission to the livery in the late fifteenth century , but in each case the total number of assessments was much less than the number in the contemporary lists , twenty-six and twenty-four respectively , compared with between thirty and forty .
7 Clearly the relativistic approach of Becker is self evidently required in one form or another in any sociology of deviance , and it is perhaps a rather miserable reflection on the state of the discipline that such an elementary argument is ignored by those who see it as clashing with their struggle for admission to the club of natural science .
8 It would not be right for me to say that he was wrongly ennobled , because I know too little about him to be able to detect whatever surprising quality it was that commended itself to Harold Wilson for admission to the House of Lords .
9 Some Anglophile girls in Adidas plead fruitlessly for admission to the bus in the hope of getting a piece of Clint .
10 When Ralph of Diss searched back through ancient and modern history for parallels to the revolt of 1173–4 he found more than thirty examples of sons rebelling against their parents , including some from the recent history of both Anjou and Poitou , but he cites no case of a Queen rebelling against her husband .
11 There will also be more frequencies for the BBC and commercial local radio , and for improvements to the coverage of existing services .
12 ALRESFORD Chamber of Trade and Commerce have received an environmental award for improvements to the area on the edge of its historical pond , The Soke .
13 When he reflected on how age and death laid waste man 's being , and saw a means of interfering with that process , he acted as harbinger to the Age of Science then in its first dawn .
14 He is suing Jocelyn Timothy Thomas , a solicitor who held his late brother 's will at the time of his death , for negligence to the tune of £4 million .
15 They first describe the work of love as a double edged activity with positive and negative effect — purging sin and kindling the heart , clearing the soul and removing anger and sloth , wounding in love and fulfilling with charity , chasing off the devil and extinguishing fear — and then level out to the strongly stressed affirmation which defines the positive potential of the negative statement in chapter one " he hase noght Jhesu Criste , he tynes all he has , and all he es , and all he myght gete " ( 85.19 – 21 ) for he that has " Jhesu " grows through prayer to the fulfilment of human potential : heaven is open to him and he is made a " contemplatif man " .
16 Detailed clauses ensured that ( i ) the President once elected could not be a member of a political party ; ( ii ) the military were denied seats in the Senate ; ( iii ) members of the Securitate and militia bodies guilty of repression and public officials guilty of abuses were not eligible for election ; ( iv ) candidates for election to the Assembly of Deputies had to be over 21 years of age and for the presidency and Senate over 30 , with no upper age limit ; ( v ) prisoners and the mentally handicapped were not eligible for election or to vote ; ( vi ) independent candidates were eligible to stand for the Senate and Assembly if supported by at least 250 electors and for the presidency if supported by 100,000 electors ; ( vii ) the votes of Romanian citizens abroad via diplomatic missions , consulates or trade agencies would be treated as votes cast in the city of Bucharest ; ( viii ) the financing of political parties from abroad was forbidden ; ( ix ) strict procedures would be applied to check and validate nominations ; ( x ) hours of polling would be from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m .
17 These accusations related to controversial new changes implemented in July , requiring candidates for election to the Assembly to be vetted by the Council of Guardians .
18 This tradition happily has been continued by his successors whose duties have included presiding at the Annual General Meeting , an unpredictable , lively affair where it has been known for election to the Board to be determined by the toss of a coin !
19 Anthony Wedgwood-Benn renounced his peerage in order to stand for election to the House of Commons .
20 Any citizen aged 21 years or over is eligible to be a candidate for election to the House of Commons .
21 He did not stand for re-election to the Parliament of 1780 ; but he was elected for Ripon in 1787 , and became a commissioner of the Board of Trade in 1788 .
22 After the blitz on London in September nineteen forty , the government introduced a scheme whereby payments for damage to the furniture of persons earning less than four hundred pounds a year would be made , up to one hundred percent of the damage .
23 Theoretically it could go to any depth — for instance to the bottom of the Atlantic , where the Titanic lies .
24 Among the other contributors are José Marques de Melo , President of the Latin American Association of Communication Researchers ; Fátima Fernandez , Professor of Communication at the National Autonomous University of Mexico ; Hernán Uribe , Vice President of the Latin American Federation of Journalists , and Guido Grooscors , Ambassador for Venezuela to the Organisation of American States .
25 It is common ground that an order for payment to the defendant by the board of his costs in the court of first instance can only be made if he can establish under section 18(4) ( b ) that he ‘ will suffer severe financial hardship unless the order is made …
26 That system was both perceived and expected to perform three related functions : through election to the House of Commons it was expected to produce a government ; through a purportedly democratic franchise and mode of election , it was expected to confer legitimacy upon the government to govern , subject to the approval of Parliament ; and , through facilitating a choice between parties propounding specific programs , it was expected to influence public policy , the party in government carrying through the promises embodies in its election manifesto .
27 It positively relates the demand for money to the level of income .
28 These statements can be summarized as where is the demand for real money balances , and are as above and and are the coefficients describing the sensitivity of the demand for money to the level of income and the rate of interest respectively .
29 In 1756 , for example , John Drummond , supervisor of excise at Paisley , and a freeholder of Perthshire , mustered all of his connections to aid his bid for advancement to the office of general supervisor at Glasgow .
30 These give us a better view of the musical lives of the Hotteterres in their historical and social contexts , reflecting the positions they held as musicians to the court of Louis XIV .
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