Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] in [noun] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 On the entertainments side er , last year of course we had that one-off benefit with not having to absorb the first quarter 's loss and this year the er first quarter was pretty disastrous because we had an er er an er amalgamation of , of A the Gulf War B the recession and in London I R A bombing and that really stopped tourists coming to London from overseas and from the rest of the U K. But I 'm pleased to say that er we , we 're coming back very strongly and for instance in July at virtually all of our centres attendances were either up to last year very nearl very nearly up to last year or ahead of last year and er at Chessington our revenue was thirteen and a half percent up on last year which I think justifies our investment there .
2 In the first show she builds an inner-city farm for kids in Sheffield in just 77 hours .
3 There was opportunity for maladministration in terms of both efficiency and peculation .
4 The Accused engages with specific , widely held myths about rape in order to dramatically explode them .
5 After the elections , Pannella resigned his seat in the Chamber of Deputies in protest against allegedly insufficient coverage of his candidacy by the media .
6 In spite of the methodological problems discussed below , this study design is probably the only ethical way to obtain placebo controlled data on the efficacy of cyclosporin in patients with mildly and moderately active ulcerative colitis .
7 In the Act itself , the principle of proportionality is adopted as the main criterion for deciding on the severity of sentence in relation to both custodial and community penalties .
8 Editor , — A R Gamble and colleagues aimed to identify the primary site of metastatic cancer using tumour marker immunoreactivity in the hope that this will reduce the number of investigations in patients with often a very limited life span .
9 1986 ) have reported the average age of clients in care at about 83 years .
10 Over the 1970s , there was a shift in the distribution of wealth in favor of slightly more equality , though most wealth clearly remains in the hands of the minority .
11 THE parents of 20-year-old Howard Ross-Bain , who died after he was hit by a car near the ruins of Ephesus in Turkey between 2pm and 4.30pm on Tuesday 16 August , wish to hear from any witnesses to the accident .
12 And that 's difficult , because you need a bit of lead in time to actually think it all through .
13 There was a loose correlation between large factories ( 1000–8000 workers ) and proneness to strike , and the proportion of workers in factories of over 1000 workers was rising .
14 We can not explain the motivations of Romeo in terms of today 's values , but we can bring a contemporary handling to the words that will make the imagery blaze afresh each time it is spoken .
15 Privately , lenders admit that of customers in arrears for more than six months , there are more than 150,000 who probably can not be saved .
16 Capt. Valentine E. M. Strasser , the 27-year-old junior officer who had become chairman of the National Provisional Ruling Council ( NPRC ) after leading an April coup [ see pp. 38853-4 ; 38900 ] , made a series of changes in July to both the composition and structure of the government .
17 Bonus payments tend to make up a larger share of earnings in Japan at about one-quarter of the total giving employers more room to adjust wages in line with changes in levels of economic activity .
18 There Darwin had argued that the extraordinary shapes of orchids were the result of evolution in conjunction with generally a single kind of insect fertilizer .
19 As a result , she received a great deal of publicity in newspapers in both the United Kingdom and North America .
20 Qualcast , the makers of mowers in Britain for over 60 years offer a wide range of traditional and modern mowers to meet all your requirements and all their mowers come with a three year parts guarantee and a one year parts and labour warranty .
21 To a certain extent this bias is rectified in the snowball samples as those interviewed were in various stages of involvement in heroin use and thus show a greater degree of variation in terms of both their social and heroin career profiles .
22 During those years , in other words , there was a faster decline of manufacturing in terms of both output and employment in those areas of the country where manufacturing had been more important in the regional economy .
23 " It tends to inculcate a spirit of caution in publishers of potentially actionable statements which we regard as salutary " was the response of this committee to a reasonable reform which would bring libel law into line with other civil actions .
24 Competition between the Poles and the Commission had driven up the price of land in Pomerania by over 100 per cent by 1900 , so that land the German farmers did not want to farm cost twice as much as farmland anywhere else in Germany .
25 ‘ So there 's some sort of kink in time about here ? ’ she said .
26 Pierre Beland and Daniel Martineau were members of a research team which showed that the concept of blubber as an inert tissue was incorrect — the ratios of contaminants in samples from over 70 autopsied belugas has shown that toxins are continually exchanged between various tissues .
27 Bird ( 1968 ) quotes a number of examples of currents scouring hollows in the sea floor in soft sediments , of scour hollows in narrow straits in which strong tidal currents are known to occur , and of coarse sediments marking the tracks of currents in areas of mainly fine sediment due to the winnowing effect of those currents .
28 Struggling out of dependence in order to freely give up your independence .
29 The difficulties of ICI Fibres were compounded by the fact that throughout the European industry , capacity was already ahead of production in anticipation of still better things to come and there were programmes for further expansion .
30 In a subdued announcement on state television and radio , Mr Alia , who has been in or near the centre of power in Albania for almost 50 years , declared he would officially step down at today 's opening of parliament .
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