Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] a large [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For instance a large chunk of those voters who did declare firmly their intention to vote Labour were still prepared to recognise that Michael Fallon has done a good job as a constituency MP for the town since his election victory in 1983 .
2 I I I it is very easy to find examples which , which show how absurd they were , the results f f , for instance a large area like Devon and Cornwall with four thousand square miles having now thirty elected members reduced under the Bill to eight would be absurd .
3 Er and erm that is of course a large section of our audience also .
4 In the wake of Sputnik a large number of observers , sympathetic and hostile , were convinced that the USSR 's technical and scientific prowess , and the planning system which underpinned it , posed a profound challenge to the West 's values , institutions and international standing .
5 The other aspect is there are a large number of people a large number of these countries depend on their forest industries for producing foreign exchange which is particularly scant , a lot of the world , particularly Africa is suffering from debt problems , erm I worked in Uganda for 14 years and I found it really to get back there : the salary of a forest officer now is something , is worth in real terms something like 1 percent of what it was in 1962. erm His salary in 1962 was something in the region of six thousand a year in present terms , it 's now worth £60. erm He has to go out and get most of his livelihood from some other source , and Uganda 's an extreme case , but there are many other African countries where the position is similar .
6 The Home Secretary is not bound to act on the advice of the inspectorate of constabulary , but he must take into account a large number of other factors .
7 In Indonesia a large part of the argument which led on two occasions to undeclared war turned on the federal nature of the new state .
8 Carefully thought out , it lists all of Leger 's exhibitions , but , more importantly , reproduces in colour a large selection of the finest paintings which have passed through their hands .
9 In Britain a large share of the market is held by Word ( UK ) Ltd. , which usually sells directly to the customer .
10 Throughout modern times , there has existed in Britain a large number of people who were poor — although , for various reasons , the numbers have sometimes been exaggerated .
11 The report points out that the sector is highly diversified : worldwide , the 10 largest companies only account for one third of production , while in Europe a large number of small and medium sized firms operate alongside 15 or so multinationals .
12 Cellulose forms on the average about a third of the weight of all vegetation and the world tonnage of plants is almost beyond computation , locking up in cellulose a large fraction of the world 's limited supply of carbon .
13 It is true that in peacetime a large proportion of these ships were normally laid up and had their crews paid off : only when war was imminent or had broken out were they brought back into service .
14 She also found great pleasure in reading , but although my father had brought to Fontanellato a large number of Slovene books , she had soon to resort to reading in Italian , which she inevitably found more difficult .
15 They need to be able to recognise on sight a large proportion of the words they encounter and to be able to predict meaning on the basis of phonic , idiomatic and grammatical regularities and of what makes sense in context ; children should be encouraged to make informed guesses .
16 1897 the Royal Navy conducted a punitive expedition against Benin ( in what is now Nigeria ) and brought back to Britain a large number of bronze castings which were sold to pay for the raid .
17 It argues that the stricter probation conditions proposed will lead to more breaches of the orders , and at present a large proportion of those who breach go straight to prison .
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