Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] and they [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Our car parks still represent good value for money and they are cheaper than most car parking facilities in the private sector . ’
2 Unfortunately there are many people who do n't understand much about AIDS and they are frightened .
3 One could only enter this sacred temple to snobbishness if one had a voucher of admission and they were harder to obtain than the stars out of the sky .
4 Heterogeneous catalysts promote many different kinds of reactions and they are easy to recycle .
5 ‘ They are a grand bunch of lads and they are honest .
6 TIE Rack has got a great selection of ties and they 're great for Father 's Day presents , either as a little-extra or for those who ca n't afford to splash out .
7 We should , of course , widen the context even further for , if in the movies preaching usually came hand in hand with melodrama , this should remind us that films were still firmly in the hands of showmen and they were free to use social comment and social settings as they thought best .
8 I do n't know exactly how or where , but they 've got some sort of plan and they 're alive . ’
9 By that time , G. F. Milnes & Co. had gone out of business and they were all built by Brush .
10 Right some are April , some of October and they 're all mixed up .
11 Now then the physical environment leads onto those three types of resources and they are renewable
12 Reservoirs provide a relatively small supply of water and they are expensive to build , but relatively easy to understand .
13 Now if you 've got sugar on you when you 're out give them sugar , four cubes of sugar and they 're marvellous , they come round just like that and erm then they 'll got off and stabilize themselves .
14 Religion was the base for the principles of society and they are all for the good and well being of society .
15 This is hanging on on to the reins of government and they are prepared to destroy the country in the process .
16 They work in accordance with the instructions of ministers and they are responsible to ministers .
17 They have said that they need to listen to the voices of women and they are ready to do so .
18 Helen 's sitting with Mum and they 're safe . ’
19 But , but I had more to do with her than Evelyn but er from what little bits I 've gleaned , you know , er I 'm a bit into everything like , and I seem to think , I 've got a f strange feeling that she 's something to do with education and they 're worried about children not speaking properly eventu
20 The shock of falling behind sparked Wolves into life and they were level nine minutes later when the former Doncaster midfielder Mark Rankine scored his first goal for Wolves with a powerful header from Ashley 's centre .
21 Now summer had come Uncle Bean fenced in some of the waste ground for them with wire and they were able to turn the horses out , which made the work far less .
22 ‘ And even if they really are fakes — synthetic fur — ’ she was on a roll now' — it 's made from petrochemicals and they 're non-biodegradable and therefore damaging to the environment . ’
23 Funds for the new centre in the north are raised entirely from charity and they 're halfway towards their target of £500,000 .
24 having problems today cos she 's got the two girls there from school and they 're supposed to go to the school , the doctor , for an examination but whether she realized that I do n't know .
25 Well , well you do anyway when you see them on telly and they 're all hanging round the , you know , the , the A N C meetings they all go up and down like this
26 Because it was an insurance job and it was going to Scotland and they are all thick up there — too much haggis , you see .
27 This has brought the share price back to 290p and they are good value at that level .
28 ‘ People have listened to tracks and they 're amazed , they 're like , ‘ Oh you 've mixed a reggae bassline with a soul feel ! ’
29 THEY called it a tax on knowledge and they were right .
30 702–3 , Archbishop Beorhtwald presiding , but the terms are said to have been that Wilfrid relinquish his episcopal office and retire to his monastery at Ripon and they were unacceptable ( Vita Wilfridi , chs 46–7 ) .
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