Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] as [conj] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He all but bumped into the couple , but , just in time , he arrested his progress , drew back , seemed , for an instant , to seek for oxygen as if he had emerged from some physical deep of ocean , looked about him at the mundane world he had re-entered and then , with rapid dignity , collected himself .
2 The men in the group will have to cope with this sudden change of plan as if they had known about it all along .
3 All the same , he had a feeling of guilt as if he had been accused of something in the middle of a bad dream and , waking , could not remember what it was .
4 He hat eventually decided to ask Security 's registry and its computers for a trace muddling the trail by getting a colleague to send the request for him and burying it in a list of acronyms as if they had been collected over a period of time .
5 It was necessary in 1859 to write about the process of evolution as if it produced the best of all possible worlds , a substitute for the finger of the Almighty at work .
6 Instead they acted as a brake on German economic power by milking the state of subsidy as if it had been set up for that purpose alone .
7 He remembered the vivid sunsets of his boyhood and the way the sun would hang like a crimson ball above the edge of the trees surrounding their house and then plunge out of sight as if it had been dropped in a moment of carelessness .
8 He was aware of a slow feeling of triumph , a sense of release as if he had just won some physical competition ; without the fear there would n't have been this strange sense of excitement and content .
9 His tone as matter of fact as if he spoke of arrangements for a day 's shooting .
10 The windows were barred with white painted shutters covered with curtains of crimson velvet , her feet rested on a Turkey carpet and the walls were as thickly covered with pictures as if they had been pages in a stamp collection .
11 Grinning with surprise as if he had stumbled on to the This is Your Life set , his hand was pumped by Bill Wyman ( the Rolling Stone vote ) , Roland Butcher ( the cricketing vote ) , Gordon Banks ( the goalkeeping vote ) , Elaine Paige ( the musical vote ) , Patrick Moore ( the moon vote ) , Andrew Lloyd Webber ( the seriously rich vote ) and dozens more .
12 As Grainne drew closer , a dry hand , the back covered with teethmarks as if it had been gnawed , came up and , with an abrupt gesture , pushed back the mat of hair that half covered the face .
13 He actually picked up Angy 's phone … it was off the hook and covered in blood as if she 'd tried to use it to call for help .
14 ‘ Diana came off that plane in Korea as if she has just had a stand-up row with Charles , ’ the aide said .
15 Without exception they were splattered in paint as if they 'd gone in for action art .
16 Neglect of opportunities to act on such feelings , Granville Sharp believed , was ‘ as great an offence before God as if we had denied assistance to Christ himself ’ .
17 And he was there , making the impossible leap from the ground to the moving platform , ducking beneath the barrel of the cannon , waving his chainsword in circles as if it weighed no more than a walking stick .
18 Then it would presumably spot some potential prey and come to a standstill in mid-air as if it had brakes .
19 The boatman cursed , telling them to sit down and keep still , and then , puffing and sweating , he pulled his craft out midstream through the flocks of swans who arched their wings in protest as if they owned the river .
20 If you are at all normal , you bypass the urge to throttle him , or to shake him by the head and shout : ‘ What 's that got to do with anything ? ’ , and find yourself nodding in agreement as if he has just proved something .
21 In the lift at work doctors look right through Babur as if he did not exist .
22 It looked on Saturday as if they had declared a premature end to the season , in any case .
23 ‘ You do want something to eat ? ’ she asked , turning to Loretta as if she had just remembered her manners .
24 Joe noticed that the little woman referred to Carrie as if she belonged to them : it was Our Carrie .
25 The merest mention of the word ‘ sex ’ is more than sufficient for Old Cyclops to start straining against the trousers before jumping to attention as if he has been plugged into a battery-charger .
26 As they surrounded him , eyes red-rimmed and faces glistening from the heat of the flames , their whooping cries added to the pandemonium and it seemed to Owen as if he had already died and retribution for the sins of his life was about to be exacted by Satan 's minions .
27 There was a table beside it and a pipe lay on top as if it had been left just for a moment .
28 Lorrimer had eaten practically nothing , had drunk less , pushing his glass almost petulantly aside and fixing his great smouldering eyes on Domenica as if he had never before seen a woman .
29 ‘ So , ’ he said quietly , and looked out to sea as if he understood she could n't bear his gaze just then .
30 She had n't moved or made a sound , just opened her eyes in the red-tinged darkness and seen him there without surprise as if she had been aware of his presence ever since he arrived .
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