Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] if [pron] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 There were all sorts of minor wins , for instance if you threw and your card laid perfectly along the edge of another without covering it , that was a ‘ touchee ’ .
2 Before he received any answer , the arresting policeman shut the door , warned him that he would be arrested for obstruction if he persisted and went back to the driver 's seat .
3 The company will make a profit of £56,400 if they manufacture and sell Abrasive Toothpaste .
4 Never ! 'Cos I would die of shame if I retaliated and hit back ; and I would , because I 've levelled men almost as big as you before today , and you know it . ’
5 This was a smart fit of Rhyming if it had but held out ; I see you have your Poetical Concordance in your head pretty ready .
6 This is intended to penalise fighting in that " a person is guilty of affray if he uses or threatens violence towards another and his conduct is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety . "
7 ‘ ( 1 ) A person is guilty of affray if he uses or threatens unlawful violence towards another and his conduct is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety . ’
8 His admirers applaud him as the ‘ people 's lawyer ’ , the first solicitor in Britain to realize that victims of disasters have more chance of success if they stand and fight collectively .
9 ‘ My feeling is that the younger students are caught in a double bind between a lack of jobs if they leave and a squeeze on higher education if they stay .
10 remember : you can only ask for water if you establish and maintain an overlap before you are two board lengths from the mark .
11 So that any any school within Nottinghamshire if you like or or Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire or whatever might be appropriate in this area .
12 Most tenants of local authorities , new towns and housing associations can now take in lodgers if they wish and they do not need their landlords ' consent to do so .
13 The priest , minister , rabbi , or other community leader probably knows sources and will most likely quote them to you from memory if you telephone or approach him or her after a service .
14 Now that you see so it might be an idea If you have your table within the marquis , that does whatever you want it to do , that can talk to kids if they want and so forth , you see they they 're sort of juniors upwards .
15 Keith Richardson says it was an excellent Gloucester performance and with Wales beating England it just goes to show that the formbook can be beaten and Gloucester could well beat Bath on Saturday if they run and tackle as hard as they did in this game .
16 While your friends are giving you a hard time at present if you persist and refuse to indulge in drug taking they should eventually accept you as a non-user .
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