Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] that [vb base] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 We look for signs that speak to us of character — good or bad .
2 Even when new members are regularly taking their place on Panels , the training continues into every aspect of children 's lives , into care , physical , mental and sexual abuse , criminal activity , and ways of dealing with the variety of cases that come before them in the course of their work .
3 A kind of numbness acts as a shell against not only death itself , but against all the implications of loss that go with it .
4 A period of conditioning on the Verdun battlefield manufactured a callousness towards one 's own wounded , and an apathetic , morbid acceptance of mutilation that seem to us — in our comfy isolation — almost bestial .
5 Cornelius 's smile , reaching Harry across the grey pool of light that spread between them , glistened like the fly on a fisherman 's line .
6 I shall isolate six points of difference that seem to me important to our appreciation of why it is that children normally find writing difficult .
7 Equally , how is language pedagogy to be defined in relation to other areas of enquiry that impinge upon it ?
8 And these are n't the sort of people that write to us using block capitals all the way through , these are reasonable people who 've had their property damaged over the years some quite horrendous tales and talk about walls being knocked down .
9 The fire service will use Alpha House and the 2.4 acres of ground that come with it for practical and theoretical training courses .
10 The objection touches on large issues in the philosophy of language and in epistemology , but a relatively brief reply , distinguishing various lines of thought that enter into it , is certainly possible .
11 This is antipodal to the empirically visible history in which the time of all histories is the simple time of continuity and in which the ‘ content ’ is the vacuity of events that occur in it which one later tries to determine with dividing procedures in order to ‘ periodise ’ that continuity .
12 unc They are clearly equivalent , even though there is no one-to-one matching between the pairs of expressions that appear in them .
13 His head was throbbing and his body was a bruise radiating from a single abscess of pain that cut through him at every step .
14 You can practise on the bigger fish with all the variations of bites that go with them , after you gain some experience of the basics with smaller fish .
15 There 's something special about things that come to us over the centuries . ’
16 ‘ Michael 's a brilliant lyricist , he can talk about things that matter without it being obvious , so when we got together there was no way we were going to do a creamy , greasy duet .
17 It is the result of experiments with ideas that come to me from time to time , and developments into another way of segmenting to produce a slightly different result .
18 They concede that municipal monopoly of schooling has let down generations but they come back with ideas that seem to me to be sensible and subtle but also politically popular .
19 If if everybody spoke about , the communication was better then it 'd be a lot easier for people that deal with it .
20 Referrals er he was adamant it was two hundred pounds he was gon na get so there was an opportunity for referrals at the end from , from people that work with him .
21 Neutral sodium absorbs orange light — at wavelengths of 5890 and 5896 angstroms — from stars that lie behind it .
22 Ministers of Information know … that it is in the State 's own interests to give the greatest possible freedom to institutions that depend on it , provided of course that they are well-managed .
23 Now I 'm sure you can relate this to people that work with you , or the situation that you yourself have come across , how would you go about , first of all with Barbara , how you can improve the situation ?
24 The duty of a Christian was ‘ to cling to the Creed of the Apostles , and in all other things [ make ] an honest endeavour to find out what truths we can , and [ allow ] a charitable and mutual permission to others that disagree from us and our opinions ’ .
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