Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] from [noun pl] of the " in BNC.

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1 Charity Commissioners are to investigate the Courtney Foundation 's accounts after complaints from members of the public .
2 A controversial wine bar which was ordered to close after complaints from members of the public about noise and disturbance , is set to reopen with the backing of the police .
3 Companies that take significant sums of money from members of the public in advance of providing goods or services are in a special position of trust .
4 The loss of revenue from areas of the country affected by civil unrest had also contributed to the deficit .
5 One of the best collections of Russian books outside the country , now housed in Harvard University library , is made up of books from libraries of the Tsarist country estates , often with the author 's dedicatory inscription .
6 When he handed them over to the Syrians , the major received a special word of thanks from representatives of the country which would , ten years later , help the Americans to bomb Libya .
7 We have a lot of petitions from members of the public .
8 This involved the production of large numbers of documents , many , if not all , of which were located in Germany ; the taking of depositions from representatives of the corporation , to be carried out in a designated office in Germany ; and interrogatories seeking information as the corporation 's organisation at the relevant time and the identity of employees engaged in work relevant to the ( products liability ) issue in the litigation .
9 Her work was extremely painful and very dangerous — the examination of corpses , daily visits to the body dumps around San Salvador , the taking of testimonies from relatives of the disappeared .
10 In September 1338 , the emperor , Lewis IV , was prevailed upon — at a price — to appoint Edward imperial vicar in Germany and France , giving him rights to demand military service against France from subjects of the empire .
11 He said : ‘ We were inundated with calls from members of the public and newsagents desperate for copies .
12 Shot in black-and-white , the picture was a fast-moving set of zany jokes — including visual gags such as its stars wheeling an iron bed frame through the streets of London — intercut with asides from members of the public , the older generation commenting on the collapse of public morals .
13 He illustrates his points with readings from poets of the First World War .
14 By contrast with Godwin and his circle , who grew out of a broad and rising general formation , at first not in critical relations with its own class , the Pre-Raphaelites , who were in majority from families of the commercial bourgeoisie , were in conscious opposition to the main cultural tendencies of their class , though they may finally be seen as articulating and expressing them .
15 The mistreatment of mental patients on Leros differs only in degree from others of the nine state mental hospitals in Greece , which together house some 10,000 patients .
16 But steam-distillation suffered from interference from products of the fire .
17 The rebels also secured support in London from opponents of the court party .
18 It remains difficult for health professionals ( even within NGOs ) to be open to criticism from members of the public .
19 LIVERPOOL poet Cath Willis will be available in Huyton Library on Thursday to write poems on request from members of the public .
20 The analysis was commissioned by the Dean , in response to concern from members of the MCC that the management and course development role of the Committee was seriously diminishing .
21 It would be quite wrong if I were to base my view solely on submissions from members of the public who have been unduly influenced by misleading information from other quarters .
22 Suharto 's advancement of a pro-democratic line was in part a response to pressure from sections of the armed forces ( ABRI ) .
23 Kenya administrators also discovered the ‘ importance and usefulness of [ cattle ] sales as a meeting place for the transaction of official business ’ , but except in wartime , when the army needed meat , veterinary quarantines imposed in response to pressure from representatives of the European livestock industry meant that such sales were not a prominent feature of life in Kenya Masai District .
24 The sum was raised in various ways : by donations from members of the public and exhibiting retailers at the Company 's ‘ Craft , Embroidery & Fashion ’ event held at Harrogate in November 1991 ; from advance ticket sales through Needlecraft magazine and from the raffle held at the show , which was generously supported by large numbers of people .
25 The network will be funded by donations from benefactors of the Cerullo organisation in Europe and also from donations worldwide
26 Though Dr Runcie and his party could not take Holy Communion at the papal mass , he had earlier celebrated the eucharist at the Anglican church in Rome after three demonstrators rose from the congregation as he ascended the pulpit ; the visit has been dogged by protests from supporters of the Rev Ian Paisley .
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