Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] but [adv] because of " in BNC.

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1 One of the best places to go is the Edinburgh Room not only because of its wide variety of subjects but also because of the choice of sources , as there is not only books but slides , photos , maps and much more .
2 Although the decision has caused controversy , it is not so much because of the principles underlying the determination of a duty of care but mostly because of the House of Lords ' interpretation of the Companies Act responsibilities of auditors .
3 The areas designated in the EEC Council Directive 75/268 extend to 34.28 million hectares ( m ha ) and are of significance in all countries of the EEC Nine not only because of the overall proportion of land but also because of their importance in animal production ( Table 1 ) .
4 The year 1988 was another difficult one for OPEC , not only due to problems over quotas but also because of signs of a possible sequel to 1986 .
5 This may be due to financial restrictions on travel but also because of the prevalence today of nationwide state societies in even ‘ primitive ’ areas so that one can no longer study ‘ simple ’ societies in isolation .
6 He set himself to heal the rifts in the party , and apparently succeeded , not only because Labour politicians are hungry for office but also because of his position of centrality , born and bred in the Labour movement .
7 This has happened in a number of developed countries — though not for the reasons given by Marx but primarily because of the growth of government and restrictive practices in labour markets .
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