Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] she [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A couple of weeks after Brighton she came into the shop , presuming we were going out together that evening — without having told me what she intended , I 'd arranged to go and see a band with a mate from art college .
2 In the evening after milking she walked in the garden alone , thinking about it .
3 After breakfast she went to the office to continue with the clerical work , but , before making a start , she tried to phone her aunt .
4 At last he raised his head , and with a feeling of dread she searched for the triumph she was sure she must see now in his eyes .
5 For example , when she has to listen to the legends of the Catholic saints , which are read at ‘ la lecture pieuse ’ in the school where she teaches English , Lucy is sickened by ‘ tales that were nightmares of oppression , privation and agony ’ ; in a silent act of revulsion she breaks off the points of her scissors as she listens .
6 Mrs Stych snapped back that all the ladies present must be well aware of the multitude of offices she held in the charitable organizations of Tollemarche .
7 As a last gesture of independence she moved towards the door .
8 Having adjusted the heat and thus satisfactorily disposed of the problem of lunch she went to the bathroom for a shower and then returned to the bedroom .
9 It was a sardonic jibe , but as she reached out to accept the proffered wine she met his eyes , and felt jolted by the gleam of warmth she detected in the grey-green depths .
10 This sympathy may have explained the level of applause she got at the end of her opening song , so that she came more confidently to centre for her second .
11 In an ecstasy of selfishness she got into the magic train .
12 However , she still retains a trademark in the numerous quotes and sources of thought she incorporates into the text , providing ammunition from scholarly sources in proving her point , even if it means twisting what they say to fit her point of view .
13 The loss of heart she experienced in May perhaps contributed to the loss of touch she demonstrated through the summer .
14 The Profitboss identifies Marilyn McGregor as the top-ranking customer service engineer , highlighting the stream of compliments she gets from the field .
15 With repairs completed in the nick of time she sailed for the operation with a depleted crew .
16 Sweating with fear she wriggled through the hole , then ducked under the freight car and crawled slowly forward on her belly between the two sets of rails .
17 Jay hated the way he came out with things she whisked to the edges of her mind .
18 After cooking her watery stew one night and seeing her younger daughter into bed she went to the public library and looked up ‘ Death ’ in a concordance .
19 As the fire was crackling into life she headed for the small lavatory in the hall .
20 It was all ending so beautifully : the picnic , and Mr Evans being so nice , and the ring and the knife , and now this last , lovely tea , with faces she loved round the table .
21 We have been promised a visit to another great showpiece in Peking — the Summer Palace built by the Dowager Empress last century from money she misappropriated from the naval funds ( so they tell us ) .
22 And with this in mind she returned to the reception desk to ask Stella if she could use the phone .
23 A quick glance at her watch showed that she would have time for a short walk outside before dinner , and with this in mind she sprang from the bed and raked a comb through her hair .
24 When she returns home from work she lives with the shutters down , with no natural light or air entering the house .
25 The chasm between her and the other writers is most apparent in comments she made at the ‘ Nouveau roman : hier , aujourd'hui ’ conference at Cerisy in 1972 , in which she clung resolutely to her conviction of the existence of a pre-verbal , extra-textual reality in mental life .
26 Rosamund Cresswell attends Farnborough Hill Convent College where she is studying for the GCSE examinations and in September she moves to the Sixth Form at Wellington College .
27 Now she grew herbs along the south-facing wall at the end ; and in summer she sat on the tiny lawn , smelling the yellow roses and watching the clematis creeping over the fence from next door .
28 Hugh did n't wake as she lay down on top of the sheet beside him and before dawn she fell into the heaviest sleep she had enjoyed that holiday .
29 In fact she lay in the warm , dark grey shadows of her room quite at peace for the first time since she had come to Italy .
30 In Gwendolen she writes of the way a black woman like Sonia , Gwendolen 's mother , is treated , either with polite indifference or as if she is not there .
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