Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] and [pron] [vb past] i " in BNC.

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1 One man who took early retirement at 61 thought , at the time , that the advantage of early retirement was ‘ The fact that there are so many young people out of work and I thought I 'd done a lifetime 's work and might as well leave it for the young ones . ’
2 I was there to take some photographs of Waugh and he welcomed me very heartily with a firm handshake and a glass of Beaujolais Nouveau .
3 There was no sign of Cawthorne and I thought I 'd come too far .
4 I did n't like it but I needed the money — the bastard threatened tae evict us from our caravan if I would n't train the lions — and I was scared of Raja and it knew I was scared and I got drunk and drunker and ’ — Paddy held his crutch aloft — ‘ ye see what happened . ’
5 My knowledge of history and myself made me ask awkward questions .
6 Marx , at No. 13 with Take This Heart , admitted : ‘ I decided to cancel the show because it was pouring with rain and I knew I could be electrocuted .
7 Her first commission came about quite casually : ‘ My husband and I had gone to stay with friends and they asked me to do a charcoal drawing of their Dachshund , Rosy .
8 He said I ca n't I 'm here on my own , he said get a cab and I 'll give you the money back , so anyway I rung Pauline 's husband up Steve and he said I 'll take you , I said to Steve I 've got ta get there for one o'clock cos I said I really do feel that if I do n't see him before he goes I ai n't gon na bloody see him , he was ever so good , he were here at twenty to one , got straight in the car put his foot down , went to the General and just as I got in the door Steve do n't worry about me parking , go , I 'll find you , just get in there , I ran through the bloody doors , ran up the stairs cos I knew
9 I was just home from Germany and he asked me the way .
10 It 's only appeared in Harlow and she told me it would get in the Bishop 's Stortford one but it has n't so far .
11 actually we , mm , at some length and had a few ideas , erm I 've got an appointment with someone at the Arts Council in a couple of weeks that the Arts Council 's got a new fund called erm consultants in research and I thought I 'd make a bid to see if we can get someone
12 So obviously I kept drinking the water and the next day , on the Sunday , the pain was so bad we called the doctor again and he found out I was in labour and he sent me to the hospital and they found out not until the Thursday that it was actually the cryptosporidium that had caused it .
13 ‘ We returned from our holiday in Hungary and I felt I must write to you .
14 I asked her her name just in case it was the Devil in disguise and she told me who she was .
15 He 's an American guitarist from Washington and he told me he thinks he has your ES295 .
16 She warned me against noticing only the differences between life in the Indian sub-continent and in England and she warned me about being seduced by the apparent ‘ exoticness ’ of it all .
17 I met her in Cambridge and she introduced me to her new boyfriend who was a Dutchman called Erik Hazelhoff-Roelfzema , I was most impressed with this keen and very handsome young man , but I knew nothing whatsoever about him save that he was anxious to get into the Pathhnders .
18 I was reading an article ( Echoes , March 3 ) by David Isaacs about an old soldier 's experience in Singapore and it reminded me of a conversation with a friend in Carlisle .
19 ‘ She only bought it in October and she had me wash it every Saturday since , ’ says Tim fingering the glossy body of the car he now drives .
20 I gave them our greetings from Q.P. and they gave me theirs to return to you .
21 ‘ I saw Miss Lofthouse in Thirkett and she told me .
22 The regular vet — a friend of mine — has gone to live in Australia and he recommended me to the zoo as his replacement .
23 I offered Benn the chance to fight me in September and he turned me down in favour of fighting Mauro Galvano in Italy .
24 For the chemo I was in bed and they attached me to the drip .
25 he drew me in ink and he etched me on zinc
26 I 've just put my house on the market in York I 've chosen the if erm that 's that 's you know the whole taking the whole scene into consideration , but if I was in Bournemouth for instance and buying a house in York and I said I phone three or four estates agents and said , Look please send me information through the post .
27 I 'd been to see my great-aunt 's solicitors in Glasgow and they gave me the keys .
28 One very generous gentleman in London , who imports pianos from Poland and who heard me playing the organ in the programmes , has offered me a brand-new piano as a gift .
29 " I was in misery and he helped me . "
30 I 'd been shopping in Smiths and I thought I recognised him .
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