Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [subord] [prep] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is still , however , disagreement between researchers as to when the mother produces the most nutritious milk .
2 Mr Tony Blair , Labour employment spokesman , said while the rate of increase in unemployment had slowed , more people were still out of work than in virtually every other EC country .
3 Mr Tony Blair , Labour 's employment spokesman , said the rate of increase in the jobless total appeared to have slowed , but he said more were out of work than in virtually every other European Community country .
4 There are various technical terms for these two parts , and also differences of opinion as to where a particular clause divides , but still , this much seems agreed : the clause has a bi-partite structure , and the function of the choice as to what information we put in which part is to enable us to bring different bits of information into differing degrees of prominence .
5 In written language , for example , since there is no one-to-one correspondence between the marks ( alphabetic representations ) on the page , and how they are to be pronounced in speech , there is typically a range of alternatives as to how a written letter should be said .
6 ‘ His underlying motive is that he wants to change the world , not so he can manage it , but so that he can make it a different place , ’ explains Charles Handy , who picked Gould out from a handful of students at the London Business School ‘ because he stood out in a group of people as by far the most interesting , and that was because he was determined to have control over his life ’ .
7 Mike and Lindy are full of suggestions as to where the prettiest spots are and which stretches of canal have the best pubs .
8 And to show you what the situation is er the world 's energy demand is very likely i i i is almost certain to increase er because of development in the world and also because of the growing population er that arrow is some sort of guess as to how the world er the demand for energy worldwide is likely to increase when you set that against the curves at the bottom which show the likely projections for oil and natural gas as you can see as we get into the next century those er fossil fuels , which we 've been using with gay abandon for many decades , will start to into er decline .
9 It has submitted final proposals to ministers along with a range of options as to how the link might be built .
10 During the 1970s the Community was preoccupied with enlargement of the Community , institutional crises such as the Luxembourg accords , following the refusal of France to accept qualified majority ruling in the Council of Minsters , frequent budgetary difficulties and differences of view as to how the Community should be financed which resulted in very little progress towards the achievement of a single market .
11 It would be a mistake to follow early modern Europe in the importance it attached to titles ; but the emergence of a more clearly defined diplomatic hierarchy had some significance , both as cause and result , for the parallel emergence of diplomacy as at least a kind of profession .
12 This is a convenient practice as it avoids the need , for example , for speculation as to how the injured person 's condition will develop from the time of the initial injury or for speculation as to what his financial loss up to the date of trial at least will be .
13 In November 1985 North shipped out of America two Boeing 707-loads of Hawk anti-aircraft missiles , ostensibly for Israel although by now the pretence was wearing thin and they were simply transferred to Israeli cargo aircraft and flown straight on to Iran .
14 Volunteers have been asked to come up with ideas as to how the club should be run and what the objectives of it should be .
15 There had however been some resistance to what was seen as Russification since at least the 1960s , and in the 1980s the development of nuclear power was a new and very potent source of public disenchantment .
16 They are worth bearing in mind as at least a partial explanation of some aspects of credit use , so as to avoid the risk of misinterpreting those aspects as a purely a matter of individual consumer choice .
17 We have little evidence from research as to how the members of such households view the changing balance of the relationship .
18 But on the near horizon , immediately beyond Foston 's sheep pastures , stands Wigston Magna , the most populous village in Leicestershire since at least the time of the great Domesday Survey and a world apart from Squire Faunt and his shepherds .
19 But he found little guidance in Scripture as to how a subject or bishop should behave when his sovereign was determined to undo the Reformation .
20 ABOVE : Lodgemore Mill has been in use since at least the 12th century and is still in use for cloth manufacture .
21 You know as well as I do that art and commerce have walked hand in hand since at least the Renaissance . ’
22 However there were indications yesterday that it may be limited to proposals as to how the two would cooperate if they were ordered to combine their efforts by the NATO European Fighter Management Agency , which is responsible for purchasing the system .
23 However there were indications yesterday that it may be limited to proposals as to how the two would cooperate if they were ordered to combine their efforts by the NATO European Fighter Management Agency , which is responsible for purchasing the system .
24 Inevitably this led to confusion as to where the centre of power and decision-making really lay and seemed to preclude the maintenance of a coherent policy .
25 The firm must consider the knowledge and experience of each client for each activity and must place a note on file as to why a certain type of letter is issued .
26 Later , in a chapter entitled ‘ The Application of Paint ’ it says that recent books on decoration have ‘ done more to debase the traditional approach to decoration than to further an appreciation of its subtleties ’ .
27 The Justice Model 's philosophy consequently relied heavily on retribution as at least a partial justification for punishment .
28 I 'm listening for clues as to why the fuzz came so fast ; you would n't think they knew where Deptford was .
29 In between such examples there is considerable scope for doubt as to where the line is to be drawn .
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