Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [vb base] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As soon as the flow becomes established , in fact , piles of solid lumps of lava build up at the sides of the flow , and help to confine it to its course .
2 The banks or organisations that issue them guarantee payment of bills run up by the credit card holder up to a certain limit .
3 In no sense could they be said to be members of industrial co-operatives : that is , of organisations set up for the manufacture of goods or the provision of services and wholly , or very largely , owned and ultimately controlled by those working in them .
4 Loads of water get up through the gates .
5 LEEDS manager Howard Wilkinson 's galaxy of stars square up to the ‘ Milky ’ way tonight with their season threatening to disintegrate inside six days .
6 Sometimes , small lava fountains play in the centre , and these reveal just how completely liquid lava can be , as it splashes and sloshes round the base of the fountain ; at other times , small jets of gas blow up through the lava in fiery gouts , churning up the lake into glowing whorls and currents of molten rock .
7 When will the Secretary of State wake up to the realities of public finance in the United Kingdom ?
8 When you weigh it up , would any amount of perks make up for the fact that joining this particular firm involves waking up next to the Prince of Wales or the Duke of York ?
9 Capped employees include those who are members of schemes set up after the 1989 Budget or who joined any final salary scheme after 1 June 1989 .
10 Black Narcissus ( 1946 ) chronicles the breakdown of a community of nuns set up in the Himalayas , riven by inner conflicts and pulled apart by the intrusion of romantic figures from outside .
11 Some of the earliest shops were situated in London 's busy market streets such as Queen 's Crescent and Chapel Street , with stalls set up on the pavement .
12 The few planetaries bright enough to be seen with binoculars show up in the guise of dim , ill-defined stars .
13 From Elterwater go up to the crest of the ridge separating Elterwater from Grasmere ( 0.75 miles ) via a path passing between Red Bank and Dow Bank .
14 IN A WARM UP TO THE EVENING Standard newspaper 's five a side football competition , a team from Guinness Brewing GB called the Harp Beaters was entered into the preliminary competition on the day before the main tournament .
15 Drawn up by a UN team and representatives of the Kenyan government , the report found that tens of people were dying each week in camps set up for the refugees in the remote border region of Kenya and described it as " appalling and embarrassing " that they were supposed to be under the care of the Office of UN High Commissioner for Refugees .
16 Judges also preside over enquiries set up under the Tribunals of Enquiry ( Evidence ) Act 1921 .
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