Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [vb pp] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For reasons linked to the physical strength needed to operate them at the beginning , spinning mules were operated by men .
2 Letter from R. Paul , headmaster of Currie High School , thanking the Village Association for cheque donated to the tercentenary fund .
3 Lift and drag have been calculated for tails spread to an apical angle of 120° .
4 The anticipated strong showing for candidates affiliated to the nationalist Moldavian Popular Front appeared to have been matched by an equally strong showing for the rival Yedinstvo ( " Unity " ) movement , drawing its support largely from the Russian and Ukrainian minority communities .
5 Perhaps the most convincing indication of a dent in poverty is marketing information showing that the boom in consumer durables in the 1980s was by no means limited to the top 10% of the population .
6 Discrimination in the job market is by no means confined to the medical profession .
7 There are very many more species , but I believe enough have been indicated to let you see that the rose is by no means restricted to the Hybrid Tea — there are many other kinds to provide variation and interest .
8 It is sensible for a contractor to apply for payment for work done to a specified date to limit the amount of funding required .
9 In the twentieth century the field of concern for architecture broadened to the everyday living environment ; housing for example was no longer a question of designing a single house , or even a group , but a whole estate or neighbourhood .
10 Some members of the minority , as a result of this stratification of languages and reallocation of values accorded to the white minority languages , have begun to perceive a drift from Commonwealthism and Internationalism to Europeanism .
11 In his late teens , there were still signs of puppy fat , and his rounded face sat under an unruly head of hair trimmed to the current style , though not especially trendy , and he could be lost in a crowd as being just another boy on the block ; unassuming and unspecial .
12 But in the last six months his father 's image had begun to intrude on his consciousness at odd moments , in the middle of a meeting , across a boardroom table , in a gesture , the droop of an eyelid , the tone of a voice , the line of a speaker 's mouth , the shape of fingers splayed to an open fire .
13 The Lithuanian Supreme Soviet , which as a result of elections on Feb. 24 had passed firmly into the control of deputies affiliated to the nationalist Sajudis movement , on March 11 plunged the Soviet Union into a constitutional crisis when it unilaterally declared Lithuania independent .
14 The statutes of self-government granted to the Basque Country and Catalonia had been rescinded during the war .
15 The amount of coverage given to the sexual transgressions of members of the teaching profession suggests that there was the hidden agenda at work of denigrating the professionalism of teachers at a time when they were in industrial conflict with their employers .
16 His duties included the preparation of a handbook of Instructions for the use of farriers attached to the British Cavalry and to the Honourable Board of Ordnance .
17 2.5 The second , and more important , cause of action that English law now allows on death is the independent cause of action given to the near relatives of the deceased who have been deprived of his or her support or services .
18 When we hid a regular flow of sound , keen material and the PFF Navigation Training Unit was in full swing , we saw the steady development of tactics geared to the constant production of new and better " stores " — target indicators , hooded flares and many other innovations , all of which was more than matched by the improvement in navigational techniques .
19 The loss of amenities caused to an elderly person as a result of his injuries can be more severe precisely because he is old and has already suffered some impairment of his activities on that account .
20 Tables I-IV show the numbers and univariate odds ratios of variables related to the sociodemographic ( table I ) , pregnancy ( table II ) , infant ( table III ) , and postnatal factors ( table IV ) .
21 There were a number of branches affiliated to the main club in England .
22 Dividends can be used to influence the class of shareholder attracted to a particular firm .
23 These problems of prediction related to the definitional fallacy and the statistical fallacy are very evident in the Beckford Report , which was so critical of social workers ' lack of knowledge and use of predictive research .
24 ‘ Old fashioned brushes made from bundles of twigs tied to a wooden handle .
25 David Wallen ( 11 March ) gave us an interesting account of a series of blunders revealed to the Parliamentary Defence Committee at its annual consideration of the Trident programme .
26 Add to these an increasingly large posse of match-by-match prospects and the influx of youngsters attracted to the expanded indoor school and Kent are understandably optimistic about their immediate and long-term future .
27 The work of the former on jus cogens , the Draft Code of Offences against Mankind , and the concept of an international State crime and the consequences of the commission thereof all develop the concept of obligations owed to the international legal community , and possible third party responses to violation .
28 It would be possible instead to preserve the relationship between the financial institutions and the personal sector savers but to alter substantially the deployment of funds by obliging the institutions to contribute to a national investment bank , giving them in return bonds with a rate of return linked to the real growth rate of the economy .
29 These ramps , together with a piece of wood glued to the front face of the keyframe , raise the action to the designed height under the strings .
30 When , acting for a buyer , you come to draft the document that will vest the unregistered property in your client , this can be either a conveyance or a form of transfer adapted to the particular property and title .
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