Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [pers pn] [verb] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Reproduction is excellent and the value for money it offers is phenomenal .
2 On the question of whether as adviser he had been privy to confidential information , he said : ‘ Any ( management ) buyout is party to information other buyers wo n't have . ’
3 A number of reasons we felt were relevant :
4 Most Victorian cities had been urban centres since at least the Middle Ages , though of course they had been tiny in comparison with the size they attained in the nineteenth century .
5 Of course he 'd been interested .
6 The type of notes you make are personal but the important point is that you can follow them with only a glance .
7 Speakers at a rally this afternoon have called for the release of hundreds of prisoners they claim are innocent .
8 For two lexical items A and B we can ask whether the respective classes of entities they denote are identical , disjunct , overlapping , or whether one includes the other .
9 I mean , wha what I would like to go on and say is , that er , which the change of administration it has been necessary to er , adopt a different way of , of developing the budget , and I think you 're quite right to erm , pay credit to the effort of the er , budget review er , sub-committee .
10 A company 's competitive position no longer ( solely ) depends on its internal capabilities ; it also depends on the type of relationships it has been able to establish with other firms and the scope of those relationships .
11 And now I have to interrupt the first bit of pleasure I 've been able to take in I do n't know how long and put you all to right .
12 Every map of Goa I found was useless , except for the one available from the tourist office ( see below ) .
13 Moderator I , one two eight six , I wondered whether a word from south of the border might be in order because in recent years in the Church of England we 've been busy discussing the theological foundations and the practical discipline in respect of several matters which fall under the general heading of Christian initiation and indeed we have been experimenting a bit here and there .
14 And then make a separate statement on swearing the policy that er a new settlement of approximately X dwellings will be er provided in relation to the Greater York area or even round of type of form of dwelling you think is appropriate .
15 From his diaries it is evident that the sheer mass of work he achieved was remarkable .
16 I thought the half bottle of wine we left was symbolic of the extravagant life I was now entering , though I must admit it did go against the grain and I did think vaguely of ‘ bowser bottles ’ .
17 Thus in 1969 the Lords rejected a bill that sought to free the Home Secretary from a legal obligation to present to Parliament the report of a commission that had reviewed parliamentary constituencies : the more equitable redistribution of seats it proposed was likely to cost the Labour Government up to twenty seats at the forthcoming general election .
18 And people are sometimes aware that the kind of stress they feel is different depending on what the stressful circumstances are .
19 The former exists throughout the process of perception ; the latter , however , has no existence before being conceived by the mind , and exists only as a conclusion which arises as a result of , after , the mental operation of inferring that the state of affairs it describes is true .
20 This environment , in turn , reflects the stage of maturity we have been able to reach as men and women in Christ .
21 er right erm tt yep that seems to be okay I did n't erm no I was reading this on , this morning just after the clinical lecture and I did n't see anything that , that I thought would be problematic erm you know given , you know , sort of what I 've seen in your coursework so far you seem to have got a fairly good idea of what you can ask and what you can get away with and what sorts of things you think are useful and , and , and stuff like that so erm you know I 'm entirely happy with your judgment as to the content erm you know because it 's part of an ongoing pr project and it 's not just something that you 've , you 've knocked off in half an hour or anything so erm
22 Right planners , now according to me this is for Thursday , next Thursday week t week one Thursday so homework for Thursday finish writing a list er whoever 's giggling will you calm down of things you believe are important do this in rough and I think we 'd better underline the next bit , bring it to the lesson now , quite seriously if you have only managed to get five or six items at the moment on your list that you think are important , that 's not enough , you really do need to be going for a minimum of ten , and if you ca n't then the next piece of work that we 're going to do in the lesson next week is going to be quite difficult .
23 The type of toothbrush you use is important .
24 These findings are consistent with the data of Simmonds et al although they used myeloperoxidase staining rather than measurement of myeloperoxidase activity , and the concentration of azide they used was 10-fold higher than concentrations that are believed to be specific for myeloperoxidase inhibition and thus may have been somewhat non-selective .
25 From my own experience of listening to nurses who want to return , the reasons they give and the levels of motivation they express are multifarious .
26 The Commission 's substantive decisions and the level of fines it imposes are subject to review by the European Court of First Instance , which is given power to increase fines as well as to cancel or reduce them .
27 The kind of friends she had were loyal by definition , and they liked her , in their eyes she was a woman who could do no wrong ( she was only separated , mind , not divorced ) , they were ready to do any thing for her and when she would not let them they did it for the girl .
28 Kenneth Oxford , the Chief Constable of Merseyside , prophesies that ‘ the freedom and way of life we have been accustomed to for so long will vanish ’ .
29 ‘ The freedom and way of life we have been accustomed to enjoy for so long will vanish ’ , Kenneth Oxford , Chief Constable of Merseyside , prophesied in 1977 ; ‘ what we are experiencing is not a passing phenomenon but a continuing process of change in our way of life … our customary ways of behaving and our traditional values are being radically modified . ’
30 This kind of subject I think is admirable and much to be encouraged .
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