Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [noun pl] [coord] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As this happens , the demand for money increases and eventually becomes equal to the money supply again .
2 Some of the small single ones are referred to as burial places but probably represent a dwelling ; those in the hills being the remains of summer sheilings .
3 I instructed Peter to keep a sharp lookout for enemy fighters and then to follow me .
4 Now in their late teens and twenties , most are either cramming for college exams or still stuck in cramming mode .
5 The side uses the British Gas sports ground at Acton for home matches and normally plays on a Wednesday or Thursday evening during the season .
6 The army had deployed some 5,000 troops with air and naval support , the objective being not only to clear the area of LTTE bases but also to cut off the Tigers ' lines of communication southwards into Eastern Province .
7 This is particularly true of monetary compensatory amounts , which typify the kind of legislation adopted at the end of marathon meetings of agriculture ministers and subsequently amended again and again to respond to political adjustments or monetary fluctuations .
8 Usually ground into a powder before use Pepper Sauces p101/ Hot condiments made from a variety of chilli peppers and often matured for several years .
9 Andrew Hugh Smith , chairman of the exchange , said he believed that the clearing house ‘ will involve market users more directly in the development of settlement systems and so enable the UK to achieve the rapid development of a paperless settlement , payments and registration system for domestic equities .
10 It is in this latter sense that very often it is claimed that the Conservative Party is advocating an incomes policy , by which is simply meant that the policies which we advocate would , we believe , have as a result the stability of money values and thus have the effect that increases in earnings were real and not merely monetary .
11 I work on the face now , and there are always dodgy situations when a lump of rock falls and just misses you .
12 Even further out , with less reason for antagonism towards search consultants but still known to bear malice , are the hopefuls who never appeared on the race card at all , who sent in their CVs and waited in vain for a response .
13 In attempts to obtain alternative estimates of crime levels but also to gain information on various topics such as fear of crime , attitudes to the police , public views on punishment and impact of crime , the last decade has seen the proliferation of the crime survey in Britain .
14 However , the toxic effects of aluminium on fish are complex and , if the calcium content of the water is high , its ions are preferentially adsorbed on the gill surfaces where they block the absorption of aluminium ions and so reduce their impact ( Mason , 1990 ) .
15 The Branches have to depend upon the voluntary support of the membership to fulfil what many see as their prime role , and where once the polytechnics were able heavily to subsidise a service of CPD seminars or even help run an ‘ in-house ’ programme , they can no longer operate in this way and have to charge for the events on a full cost basis .
16 We need a more active approach to the promotion of new knowledge provided by research … to carry out large numbers of research projects and then put them on shelves and in pigeon holes is appallingly wasteful , as is also the vast amount of information available in hundreds of central and local government reports published each year and then forgotten , and never collated or analysed within an overall framework of reference .
17 In pursuit of a stable peace , Washington sacrificed the Salvadorean army , which will be purged of human-rights offenders and drastically reduced in size and influence .
18 The participants will provide advanced adaptive lighting of complex interiors with support for dynamic lighting and environmental modelling , so that designers and customers can enter a realistic virtual building where they can change the placement and intensity of light fittings and even modify the environment .
19 However , the Act of 1988 does not govern access to quotas but the registration of fishing vessels and therefore affects access to all sea-fishing activities , including fishing for species not subject to quotas .
20 Some types of venom damage the walls of blood vessels and also prevent blood from clotting .
21 This substance is thought to bond to the walls of liver cells and eventually kill them .
22 Latent inhibition goes on in all experiments aimed at revealing the nature of stimulus representations and often acts to mask the effects under investigation .
23 In fourth year , students take a number of specialist options and also undertake a major piece of original research .
24 However , it is likely that these various arrangements help to reduce the volatility of exchange rates and thus reduce uncertainty .
25 Articles by Moore , Ray and Ahamed are collected together , along with a fact sheet , in an issue of ‘ Community Outlook ’ ( 1982 ) which is devoted to the subject of home accidents and clearly shows that there are many ways in which the nursing profession can contribute to their prevention ; although these articles are not recent , they contain useful information which is still relevant .
26 A research team at Birmingham University asked women to look at magazine pictures of catwalk beauties and then asked them to guess how wide the models were .
27 The voluntary sector is a large employer of ACE schemes and now relies heavily on it for its funding .
28 The act makes it unlawful for an employer to ‘ limit , segregate or classify an employee in any way that would deprive that employee of job opportunities or adversely affect employment status because of their age . ’
29 It is certainly desirable that relationships between geomorphological processes and climatic parameters are established using the results of process studies and then extended towards the global scale , and such relationships could enhance the understanding involved in climatic geomorphology .
30 They waited until the lane must surely be empty of funeral guests and then went down to the car .
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