Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [noun pl] [adv] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 But the council said the Government 's decision to repatriate had profound implications for asylum seekers all over the world and added that it was ‘ utterly appalled ’ by the action taken furtively in Hong Kong .
2 This success is something to share with the company 's business partners , host economies , shareholders , employees and , of course , drinkers of quality beers all over the world .
3 MONEY raised through the Church of Ireland 's Bishops ' Appeal will go towards relief projects all over the world .
4 Megadeth 's fifth and finest LP , ‘ Countdown To Extinction ’ slammed its way straight into the upper reaches of LP charts all over the globe ( it entered the US chart at a staggering No. 2 ! ) and its first single , Symphony Of Destruction , was such a hit in the UK that a Top Of The Pops appearance was simply unavoidable .
5 It has been reproduced in millions and has served as the model for metro maps all over the world .
6 I wish to rewire it , but I 'm not sure how to do this as the wiring is in a bit of a mess , with earth wires all over the place , some not joined to anywhere .
7 The event takes place in swimming pools all over the country until Sunday .
8 Around three trains per week were accepted by this shop , all carrying horse-drawn vehicles , coming from Goods Depots all over the country : Camden , Broad Street , Curzon Street etc , whereas it was the rule that road motors came and went under their own power delivered and accepted by the drivers from the depots concerned .
9 I lived in Hastings getting up at dawn every day to teach part-time in art colleges all over the country .
10 A slimmer ARCO with a more heavily weighted local flavour is a pattern reflected in art fairs all over the world .
11 An intensive bout of lobbying by both sides followed during the next month , both in New York and in capital cities all over the world .
12 With his daughter Antionette he performed in music halls all over the country .
13 They are laid as eggs in river tributaries all over the northern hemisphere .
14 With the growing interest in waterlilies enthusiasts all over the world are producing new varieties every year .
15 You can hear the frogs , of course , revving up in the shallows , but not the rare great crested newts , which occasionally turn up in garden ponds all over the place .
16 Who is working at top levels within health authorities all over the country to improve maternity services for all those other mothers out there ?
17 Years later when I became chairman of the medical missions of SPG , I realised how in mission hospitals all over the world , the same devoted healing mission was being carried on , which spoke much more eloquently of divine and human love than the preaching of less qualified friends like myself .
18 The author , Jane Pettigrew , has taken traditional recipes from Trust properties all over the British Isles and combined them with a fascinating account of the development of tea-drinking in this country , ever since Catharine of Braganza brought over a tea chest from Portugal as part of her dowry on her marriage to Charles II .
19 Despite the outcry from MG enthusiasts all over the world , the last MGB came off the production line in October 1981 .
20 After a fly past by a RAF VC 10 , divisional officers from fire brigades all over the country unveiled a plaque in memory of the airmen who died during second world war .
21 There are sealed for life bearings all over the valve gear and coupling rods .
22 ‘ Similar visits are being made to RMBK plants all over the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe .
23 Once the equipment is ready , it 's packed for export to Oxford centres all over the world .
24 ‘ I forced myself to write a chapter or two about the good things he did : getting rid of dead wood in the bureau ; eliminating corruption among his agents ; setting up a fingerprint system , an FBI laboratory that could serve as a technical resource for police forces all over the country .
25 To return to football hooliganism in Britain itself , it is clear that the existence of ‘ ends ’ at football grounds all over the country plays a central part in maintaining working-class boys ' street-based culture .
26 According to Sarah Griffiths , UK Public Relations Manager , ‘ It has been creating a storm of interest at department stores all over the country . ’
27 He 's appeared at folk festivals all over the land and is in constant demand for club work .
28 Though he started with wrestling and all girl revues , by 1930-he was presenting variety bills at music halls all over the country .
29 Called Did You Know ? the video is a light-hearted introduction to Courtaulds products which has been seen by Group businesses all over the world .
30 Amidst a blaze of publicity , the resolution was quickly taken up by student bodies all over the country .
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