Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] [noun] was [art] " in BNC.

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1 It decided that the criterion for liability for damage was the reasonable foreseeability of the injury .
2 A third reason given for non-use of LGS was a non-availability of gur ( the unrefined sugar which was used to make LGS ) .
3 Perhaps the highest point of that remarkable year for Methodism in Portadown was the Quarterly Love Feast held in September 1859 .
4 The lack of progress in China was a major cause of Japan 's advance into Southeast Asia .
5 The outcome of these parallel strands of support for municipalization was a growth , especially from the early 1890s , of municipal ownership of public utilities such as gas and water supplies and public transport , and municipal provision of such services as libraries , museums , baths , wash-houses and improved street lighting and refuse disposal .
6 The Privy Council held that the test for remoteness of damage in nuisance was the same as that in negligence .
7 The abuse of prisoners by staff was a serious problem before Ellis took over .
8 The only defender of Islam in Tunisia was the state itself , he added .
9 The appellant 's construction of successor in title was the correct one and the decision by the F.C.C. was a nullity .
10 A very large part of Marx 's work was intended to show how the particular form and representation of labour under capitalism was an extraordinary fantasy .
11 As 1936 was to prove , however , for very many Spaniards the choice of accidentalism over fascism was a matter of tactics rather than conviction .
12 The failure of the League of Nations in Danzig was a failure of nerve and understanding on the part of the member states : unforgivably they minimised the difficulty and frustrations of the position they had carved for Poland — a country emerging to modernity after over 100 years of partition , a country without financial capital , with hostile neighbours , border problems , huge minorities but without a port of its own .
13 Therefore , the basic and fundamental cause of crises for Bukharin was the ‘ disproportion of social production .
14 Uniform provinces and municipalities were the programme of radical liberalism in the Cortes of Cadiz ; the final redrafting of the political geography of Spain into provinces was the work of Javier de Burgos , admirer alike of Napoleonic administrative techniques and the enlightened servants of Charles III .
15 A similar blessing ( more obviously defensible ) was given to the Normans who invaded Sicily in order to recover it from Islam ; and the idea gained currency that the reconquest of Spain from Islam was a holy war .
16 Its ratio of costs to income was a miserly 40% last year , good even for a thrift ; most banks would be proud of a figure below 60% .
17 One of the by-products of contact with Europe was a boom in wine sales , which nearly doubled at home , and a long-overdue improvement in restaurant standards .
18 The only obvious sign of gangsterism in Norwalk was the graffiti .
19 The man flying the helicopter fifty seven year old George Warren of Tackley in Oxforshire was a flying instructor .
20 Above the gate of the ancient Greek Temple of Apollo at Delphi was an inscription : ‘ Know yourself . ’
21 In the Bedfordshire village of Cardington in 1752 the activity rate among females of age to work was a very high 82 per cent .
22 GCC Secretary-General Abdullah Yacoub Bishara ( Kuwait ) said that the meeting of Chiefs of Staff was the first in a line of " other meetings to give substance to the concepts adopted at the meeting on the joint independent GCC force " .
23 One favourite medium of attack in Iraq was the newspaper cartoon , with spectacularly uncomplimentary portrayals in the Baath Party newspaper al-Thawrah of the three chief objects of the leadership 's hostility — Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin , Syria 's President Hafez al-Asad and of course Khomeini , on one occasion presented , at a time when Iran was widely reported to be cutting oil prices to boost sales volume , as a door-to-door kerosine street pedlar calling out , ‘ Naft !
24 Around the turn of the century the prevalent form of government in Europe was the monarchy .
25 As described in chapter 4 , the research by Brown and Harris and their colleagues showed that prolonged lack of care in childhood was a causal factor in adult depression ( Brown et al. , 1986b ; Harris et al. , 1986 ) .
26 Moreover , in the crucial sector of manufacturing output , whilst the rate of growth of output was the same between the pre- and post-war periods the rate of growth of total factor productivity grew 50 per cent faster in the latter period than in the earlier one [ Matthews et al. , 1982 ] .
27 Of crucial importance in the period of transition to democracy was the setting up of a specific negotiations commission under Cyril Ramaphosa , secretary-general of the ANC .
28 One of the signs of the eclipse of classics by English was the foundation in 1907 of the English Association which was to propound very effectively the view that the new discipline had become " our finest vehicle for a genuine humanistic education " and that " its importance in this respect was growing with the disappearance of Latin and Greek from the curricula of our schools and universities . "
29 Otherwise the only internal development that could relieve the pressure of men on land was a fishing industry , developed by Catalans in the late eighteenth century and given wide markets by the railways and much later , the invention of the sardine tin .
30 The launching of radio in Tanganyika was a very modest affair .
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