Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] [noun] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But in the conversational recordings , the speed at times was often averaging 400 , and for fragments of utterance it approached 500 .
2 The World squad matches in New Zealand were great and I felt in fine fettle there but after injury in Australia it has been quite a struggle .
3 This Act is very important in the commercial world ; in addition to being a very comprehensive regulator of contracts of sale it implies important terms into contracts such as requirements that the goods must match their description , be of merchantable quality , be fit for their purpose and that the seller has the right to sell the goods .
4 The unpredictability of being on duty , the anxiety arising out of being unsure whether anything substantial is going to happen and being in a constant state of readiness in case it does , is one of the stresses associated with duty periods and referral and investigative work generally .
5 In a number of areas of England it has been observed that early Anglo-Saxon cemeteries are frequently close to parish boundaries , particularly in Wiltshire .
6 It referred to the regional strategy which is currently out for consultation but was an emerging document and copies of that were again appended to the briefing paper it outlined the county council 's procedures which were followed in progress in the structure plan it outlined a programme establishing the weight of opinion of objectors it indicated our process in preparing policy amendments to be put to the panel and all those matters were made public It also requested the panel 's view on the role of county council members at the enquiry in public the responses to that were not made public and were in fact a question which was clearly put to the panel .
7 To follow the motion of atoms in molecules it seems that the time resolution of current techniques may be sufficient , although the development of femtosecond electron diffraction ( Zewail ) should extend ultrafast measurements to molecules not observable by spectroscopy .
8 ‘ We have also had to throw away 200 lbs of meat in case it has been contaminated by glass fragments .
9 By using the workload recommendations of the Royal College of Surgeons of England it becomes possible to calculate how the outpatient and operative workload requirements of the population can be met .
10 Despite creating a theory with a series of levels of semiosis it fails to support the substantive analyses in Mythologies where Barthes 's examples show that it is not merely the formal structure of signification that he is interested in .
11 Although the corporation had power to cut off the water supply in the event of non-payment of rates it had not threatened to do so .
12 But with the glorification of competition by capitalism it has come to seem natural to think of ourselves as fundamentally egoistic .
13 Spurs capitalises the cost of registrations for players it has bought as an intangible asset , and amortises the difference between this cost and estimated residual value over the life of a player 's contract .
14 Insofar as municipal systems set limits to the use of force and punish at least some of those guilty of crimes of violence it has some success as law and an undisputed claim to be regarded as law for as long as the officials of the system pursue these objectives by taking steps against non-compliance ( Hart , 1961 , pp. 79–88 and 213ff . ) .
15 And as expected , Rolfe took the plunge in April and acquired the remaining 80.1% of shares in Brokerage it did n't already own .
16 To be of value in war it required Egyptian co-operation .
17 Like Raffles in Singapore it holds in amber a record of the past .
18 With headquarters at Sedlescombe it claimed a string of branches stretching from Seaford to Dover , although it was strongest in the triangle bounded by Battle , Rye and Lydd .
19 For adults with savings above £150,000 it performs even better , as one of the top two nationals .
20 How haunted with memories of happiness it seemed !
21 From foundations to roof it had taken only five months to reach this stage of construction .
22 In defence of fishing it has been alleged that , were it not for fishermen on our rivers , accidental or deliberate pollution would not be detected so quickly .
23 In addition to Newbury it centred on Reading and Abingdon , about which information is scanty , and had flourished at Wantage during the fifteenth century .
24 As an encore , water miraculously expands , just on the point of freezing ; in fact , as its temperature falls from 4°C to 0°C it expands by 10 per cent .
25 In textbooks on criminology it has often been used to distinguish the specific school of thought of the original founding fathers of criminology : Lombroso , Garofalo and Ferri .
26 As it was too large to be put on a lorry to be moved from site to site it had to travel on roads under its own power and was held to be intended to be used on roads .
27 In experiments on rats it has been shown that where experimenters expected rats to be maze-bright , the rats fulfilled their expectation and where they were expected to be maze-dull the rats also fulfilled expectations .
28 In Helby v. Matthews he was merely hiring them and in Lee v. Butler it had been expressly agreed that the furniture was not to become his property until the payments had been completed .
29 Data is valuable because , in conjunction with theories it illustrates , discovers and explains .
30 From evidence on cross-addiction it seems likely that addictive disease is one disease with many facets and that any sufferer from any addictive disease might benefit from following the recommendations for all addictions .
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