Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [that] it [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The answer given to the first certified question was in line with those pronouncements , so even though Viscount Dilhorne was of opinion that the evidence fell short of establishing that Mr. Occhi had consented to the taking of the £6 it was a matter of decision that it made no difference whether or not he had so consented .
2 And erm the effect though of holding beach material on one part of the beach is of course that it starves the area which is along the Sussex Channel coast to the east of beach material that it would formerly have received .
3 It has taken the Tories ' current enthusiasm for copying Labour policies — and this week 's signal from the Bank of England that it favours a form of credit controls — to start to blur that image .
4 The lily grew so fast that each day it filled twice the amount of space that it did the day before .
5 In the result , their Lordships have humbly advised Her Majesty that the appeal against the ruling of the Court of Appeal that it had no jurisdiction should be dismissed , and that the appeal against the judgment of Barnett J. should be dismissed .
6 Only now mattered , for the present moment was so filled with beauty that it smothered the effort of climbing , and with every gasp of breath came a physical response to the glory of the day .
7 For the next four years he sat as an engrossing clerk on a stool in the dusty office , so thick with dust that it entered the sunbeams ; and bent over crabbed writing in the books , or showed dull clients in to see his father , or sat the examinations , which he passed .
8 We are all so bombarded with information that it requires a lot of will-power to set out to find more information .
9 If this is the case , the changes of the past 30 years may be the first signs of a return to the more traditional population distribution of pre-industrial Britain , but it must also be borne in mind that it takes a very long time to shift major population patterns , and that the present trends may only be a veneer on an underlying and more permanent structure .
10 The Bank has indicated to IBOA that it has no intention of introducing Performance Related Pay across these Grades .
11 In this case , exactly as one would expect , the adjective is acceptable in predicative position but only on condition that it bears the meaning it has as a non-separative .
12 It was offensive that a party should be so unprincipled as first to defeat the Government on a matter of fundamental constitutional importance ; and , having done so , should then take office on condition that it passed the measure .
13 This is particularly the case as the IMF has been open to criticism that it ignores the social impact of its prescriptions , which create hardship and the potential for popular unrest as its free-market measures begin to bite .
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