Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [that] [pron] [vb mod] to " in BNC.

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1 And er then there was er oak and then there was different kinds of woods that you used to could you know s er imitate , make them look like maybe er er walnut .
2 Er you see the the wireless that we 'd got was the old cats whisker on a crystal , you see , and a pair of earphones that we used to And if anybody rustled a paper , you see ?
3 Ramsey entered this conference with a reputation outside England as well as inside it ; and the proceedings of the conference confirmed the opinion of a lot of bishops that he ought to be their next leader .
4 And secondly , I mean obviously parents are more worried if they feel that their child is not doing as well as somebody else 's child , and we 're back to this question of expectation again — where did they get the expectation that this other child is , as it were , some sort of norm that they ought to be living up to , and parents should talk to teachers and to other people who know their child and have got experience of their child as against other children to find out really whether their worries are truly grounded , or whether they are just groundless .
5 And secondly , I mean obviously parents are more worried if they feel that their child is not doing as well as somebody else 's child , and we 're back to this question of expectation again — where did they get the expectation that this other child is , as it were , some sort of norm that they ought to be living up to , and parents should talk to teachers and to other people who know their child and have got experience of their child as against other children to find out really whether their worries are truly grounded , or whether they are just groundless .
6 But erm and all the old mill for milling that we used to used I mean kept our hands clean anyway .
7 THOUGH much smaller in numbers that it used to be , Courtaulds Italia has managed to weld together a team which blends experience with freshness .
8 Only then will our worship become the sweet fragrance to God that it ought to be .
9 In 1836 , the Bill now having been passed , he suggested to Gladstone that there ought to be more enfranchisement to cure the effects of it ; if the pyramid were extended at the base and the lower classes given some power , this would counter the preponderance of the manufacturers .
10 So when we look at the grimacing gestures of a chimpanzee and wonder at the almost ludicrous parallels with our own behaviour this is just part of a whole host of behavioural and anatomical similarities that show without doubt that we ought to be classified with the apes ( we are all of us primates ) , and that we share a distant ancestor with our diminutive caricatures .
11 It could be that the recession is biting , and that people just do n't have the kind of money to spend on records that they used to .
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