Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [is] [conj] [pron] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The great thing about Robbo is that he brings that bit extra out of people , ’ said Ferguson .
2 The main complaint that I have about d'Compress is that it does not use standard DOS key and mouse commands .
3 The whole point about chaos is that it roars down on you when you least expect it , like a motorcycle messenger .
4 The disadvantage of using water as a medium for cooking is that it absorbs a considerable proportion of the minerals and vitamins in the potato .
5 The remarkable thing about teacher-in-role is that it allows the teacher to change into a different gear , as it were , as subtly or as crudely as the occasion seems to require .
6 The great thing for Ben is that he has Peter Winterbottom on one side of him and ‘ Lazarus ’ on the other .
7 The reason the coding metaphor has such currency in contemporary talk about perception is that it seems to suggest a way in which very simple and apparently homogenous elements such as nerve impulses can generate the richness and variety of consciousness .
8 At the same time we should also recall that , as Levinas puts it ‘ the best thing about philosophy is that it fails ’ .
9 The main advantage of this type of support is that it keeps the joint warm , but it has to be said that it is not really suitable for more recent or severe injuries .
10 Perhaps the only glimmer of hope is that there has been no increase in the use of heroin , cocaine and crack just 1.2pc admit to trying them , the same as in 1990 .
11 The advantage of this concept of function is that it avoids absolute distinctions between one kind of text and another .
12 The whole character of faith is that it does not rest on itself , nor on what can be seen as an extension of itself , but on what is quite other than itself , by which its own emptiness is filled .
13 And the answer of course is that it depends how much you make God like yourself , and that 's a test that Milton does n't come altogether well out of .
14 Taken to its logical conclusion ( and the advantage of Baudrillard is that he does just this ) , this view entails a denial of all signification .
15 The main attraction of B&B is that it has always been far cheaper than hotels and this is still the case .
16 A second important contribution made by the notion of implicature is that it provides some explicit account of how it is possible to mean ( in some general sense ) more than what is actually " said " ( i.e. more than what is literally expressed by the conventional sense of the linguistic expressions uttered ) .
17 If , as Anthony Giddens suggests in Central Problems in Social Theory ( 1979 ) , one of the characteristics of ideology is that it makes the present appear natural , then this something else may be the province of ideology .
18 Perhaps the best that can be said of Mr Karimov 's treatment of dissidents is that it has been consistent .
19 My only reservation with his classification of roles is that it reflects a Western preoccupation with task behaviours .
20 The point of the idiom of companionship is that it allows individuals to form and to dissolve ties with one another with greater ease and frequency than would the idiom of shared substance .
21 The attractiveness of the cultural explanation of religion is that it appears to account for the diversity in religious practices and beliefs without the necessity to get involved in controversy .
22 An advantage of this type of parser is that it performs recognition in linear time .
23 The value of ITED is that it pinpoints strengths and weaknesses precisely . ’
24 Another point that might be made about the relationship between the ‘ form-words ’ of grammar and the ‘ full words ’ of lexis is that it follows from the kind of auxiliary , context-complementary function of grammar being proposed here that the proportional occurrence of these words will vary in different kinds of discourse .
25 The problem with such a characterisation of pluralism is that it bears little resemblance to what pluralists actually say pluralism means , and consequently it is hardly surprising that even the most cursory of empirical investigations can show such a naive version of pluralism is untenable as a description of the distribution of power in Western liberal democracies .
26 An almost universal feature of determination is that it involves subtle chemical changes , almost certainly turning on or off genes , and the overt result may not be seen for many hours .
27 Obese people tend to have higher levels of insulin than those of normal weight , and the disadvantage of insulin is that it tends to further encourage the body to deposit rather than burn up fat .
28 The force of law is that it becomes part of common sense , and makes ‘ common sense ’ prescriptions about public order , theft and hard work .
29 The value of counselling is that it allows you to state your points of view to each other , before a trained and unbiased third party who can help you to resolve the issues that bother you .
30 In the case of the simple penal code , the essential reason it is in the interest of a firm in this case to carry out the threat of punishment is that it believes that if it does not it itself will be punished .
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