Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [adj] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To my knowledge , cranks and dreamers have gone around talking about and looking for Homo superior ever since the primitive times when writers still used paper .
2 This massive loss of forest is by no means due entirely to the timber industry , there being other contributory factors such as conversion of land for urbanisation , agriculture , and increase in domestic animals associated with human populations .
3 There is typically a row of icons onscreen instead of a menu of named functions .
4 This suggests that the atmospheric CO 2 on Venus is in equilibrium with these types of surface rock and that there exist on Venus accessible surface repositories of CO 2 mainly in the form of carbonates .
5 A set of books relevant respectively to the First , Second and Third levels , which constitute the official practical guide to the examination , written by the examiners .
6 A passage from Verdelot 's ‘ Ogn'hor per voi sospiro ’ ( in his Secondo libro de Madrigali , 1537 ) will illustrate typical early madrigal texture with an exchange of phrases obvious only to the singer ( madrigals were seldom written with listeners in mind ) ( cantus , bars 2–4 , and tenor 4–6 ; altus bars 2–4 , and cantus 4–6 ) , contrasts of four- and two-part , writing , highlighting of ‘ tacendo ’ and ‘ amando ’ with their semitonal sighs :
7 It has been calculated that there has been an average of about 30 feet of deposition close inshore during the last 5000 years .
8 Section 64 of the Act of 1986 is the first section of Chapter VI which deals with the powers of intervention exercisable directly by the S.I.B .
9 In answer to the question ‘ why does stigma persist ? ’ the products of interactionism shy away from the realities of social structures , preferring to provide an ‘ answer ’ in terms of the spurious generalities of ‘ eternal verities ’ .
10 Consequently , a real anxiety prevailed about pre-emptive social work action in relation to the accuracy and reliability of evidence obtainable thereafter from the child witness , the alleged perpetrator or any corroborating witnesses .
11 As a basis for his performance , Crawford studied film of Peters staggering helplessly around the track at the 1954 Empire Games in Vancouver , Canada , unable to reach the finishing line .
12 Up until today , the remainder of No. 263–265 together with the strip has been let and occupied as one single set of retail shop premises with a frontage to the Walworth Road .
13 I have also looked at Beta Cygni or Albireo , in the Swan , where there is a golden yellow primary of magnitude 3.2 together with a blue companion of magnitude 5.4 .
14 People are leaving Paris at the rate of some 20,000 a year , chased out by soaring property prices and the shortage of rental accommodation — especially of flats big enough for a family .
15 When we made available the special allocation of £3.5 million earlier in the year , eight authorities in Scotland came forward with specific projects that resulted in 700 extra housing units being made available .
16 Rohan asked , a note of anger simmering just below the surface of his voice .
17 There are lots of spots close together around the city centre , then many more close by in a car .
18 There is a vitality of subject unknown elsewhere in the province , in the second century ( except , perhaps , for the Oceanus mosaic , again from Verulamium ) .
19 Worldwide underwriting loss for the quarter was $80.5m — representing 7.9% of premiums ( 1992 : $135.0m loss — 14.8% of premiums ) , an improvement of $54.5m due largely to a sharp reduction in the UK underwriting deficit .
20 Throughout history , both that point and the example of Leonardo 's inquisitive mind have led mankind towards heights unknown even in the realms of fantasy …
21 ( ‘ Crucify , crucify ! ’ ) that is articulated at the very top of the treble register and brings the work to its climax — an unforgettable piece of composition unequalled anywhere in the European music of its time .
22 It was in cities such as Rome , Venice , Florence and Verona that the Renaissance started — the re-awakening of the arts , new directions in painting and architecture — movements which were to span the continents and leave a legacy of culture unequalled anywhere in the world .
23 A mode of speech familiar only to a group or profession ; unintelligible words .
24 Section 34(1) applies subsection ( 1 ) of section 4 and subsection ( 1 ) of section 5 generally for the purposes of the Act .
25 In only three cases was administration of gangliosides compatible temporally with the onset of symptoms .
26 The sound is acceptable enough ; but I do wish that companies which release older recordings like this would spend just a little more ( what would it cost ? ) to accompany them with notes worthy even of the music as slight as this .
27 Mary A. B. Brazier has described the work of Hans Berger as the triumph of a man working with equipment inadequate even by the standards of his day .
28 With a background like that , when under threat from cancer , I too began to move my resources forward , slowly , methodically , with each move carefully considered and with reinforcements available just behind the lines .
29 During the late 1970s , the Bank of England issued three variable-rate stocks with interest payable half-yearly at an annual average ½%; above the daily average rate of discount on 91-day Treasury bills over a previous six-month period .
30 ‘ ( 1 ) Any officer , servant or agent of the Bank may , on producing if required evidence of his authority , enter any premises occupied by a person on whom a notice has been served under section 39 above for the purpose of obtaining there the information or documents required by that notice and of exercising the powers conferred by subsection ( 5 ) of that section .
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