Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [verb] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 It is difficult for artists working at a time of crisis to achieve a rounded representation of reality .
2 Most current schemes of assessment for lower-attainers existing at the time the report was written , concentrated on computational skills .
3 Unfortunately no single governing body for hypnosis exists at the time of writing .
4 Some early maps of this type show , albeit crudely , the kinds of houses existing at the time of drafting , and it is possible to appreciate the difference between the houses of , say , the more well-to-do freeholder and the lowlier tenant .
5 Ironically , the sale of Manton comes at a time when Sangster 's fortunes on the track are looking up .
6 Especially as this new bit of gossip came at a time when the idea that Walter Machin was becoming posthumously a national figure was beginning to filter through to Oswaldston consciousness .
7 In any event , you would do well to strive to avoid the uncertainty of a dispute about the legal effect of words said at a time when tempers flare .
8 First , the increased weight of demands came at a time when the actual problems thrust before government were not only more complex and intractable , but were also more interdependent — solve one ( say , inflation ) and you only caused another ( rising unemployment ) .
9 Compared with a supplemental dose of OPV , one dose of IPV administered at the time of measles vaccination at 6 or 9 months of age induced significantly higher seroconversion to one or more serotypes at the time of vaccination .
10 Shigeru Tokinoya , who was in charge of textbook screening at the time Professor Ienaga 's book was banned , said : ‘ All of our corrections should have been upheld …
11 However , in spite of promises made at the time by the then Scottish Secretary , Malcolm Rifkind , nothing has happened .
12 This kind of move came at a time when Tetley 's , along with other arms of Allied Breweries , espoused and encouraged a culture of well-informed and caring in-house designers .
13 There was a lot of evidence accumulating at the time about lateralization of function in bird brains — for instance , it appears that chicks respond behaviourally in different ways when they view things with left and right eyes , while in song birds like canaries and zebra finches , the ‘ song centre ’ is located in a left-hemisphere region , rather close to our IMHV .
14 This first annual review from the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries comes at a time of ever-increasing activity , change and challenge within the work of the UK actuary .
15 The requirement to take ‘ all practicable measures ’ involves more than taking reasonable care : it means doing what is feasible in the light of the state of knowledge existing at the time of the alleged breach of duty , thus knowledge as to the availability of abatement methods and the likelihood of the dust or fumes to cause injury or offence is relevant.l
16 Similarly if in a language a woman referred to her son by the same term as she used for the son of her sister , this showed that the system of terms developed at a time when the two sisters would have been co-wives of the same man or men .
17 Grades shown are typical of offers made at the time of initial application .
18 Quite simply , not only do we and they not share common objectives , but we do not even make similar appraisals of world events , as the President of France demonstrated at the time of the coup in Moscow , when he seemed willing to negotiate with the coup 's leaders .
19 The second non-sexual mode of transmission occurs at the time of childbirth .
20 An indication of the direction and degree of interest can be given by listing the series of reports produced at the time ( and generally known by the name of the person who chaired the relevant committee ) :
21 Moreover , as Dr Matt McGue of the University of Minnesota commented at the time ,
22 Will he confirm , in line with undertakings given at the time of privatisation , that he expects British Steel to consider offers for the sale of Ravenscraig on a commercial basis at opportunity cost — at a price which British Steel could expect to get for the plant on world markets ?
23 Paintings of angels with guns appeared at a time when the religious orders were confronted with the stubborn persistence of pre-conquest religion amongst their Indian charges .
24 The losses were in line with forecasts given at the time of Wembley 's £37m rights issue in January .
25 Later research has shown that some of the statements in that paper do not agree with records made at the time in the laboratory notebooks of some of the people concerned .
26 During my own research into sea dumping at the time , I was told that in 1976 a team from the Atomic Energy Authority had been called in to decontaminate the Topaz , a ship used to dump Belgian waste , after the wrong type of drum container had been used .
27 The interesting factor in all those arguments is that my hon. Friends who sat on the respective Committees or spoke on the Second Reading of Bills associated with privatisation said at the time that the Government were privatising monopoly , not introducing effective competition and regulation , and the matter would have to be examined again .
28 Her career in geography began at a time when , in Britain , this field was still among the less fully organized of the sciences .
29 Without the adjustment , it had been estimated that the budget deficit would have exceeded L147,000,000 million , which was the level predicted by the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) in criticisms made at the time of the adoption of the 1990 budget in December 1989 [ see p. 37509 ] .
30 The dog attacks in England came at a time when the government were losing their grip — becoming very unpopular .
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