Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [verb] [prep] [det] way " in BNC.

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1 Figures 23.2 and 23.3 show vertical and horizontal sections of fingers generated in this way .
2 About 75% of solicitors qualify in this way which is the quickest and most common way to qualify as a solicitor .
3 That is why it disgusts me to see the nobility of grief caricatured in this way .
4 The radius of gyration calculated in this way for a polydisperse sample is a z-average .
5 It is in snowy weather that owners of buildings roofed in this way most regret this form of construction because wind-blown powdery snow easily enters narrow chinks in the roof surface , and where there is no underslating felt ( as applies in most old constructions ) , the snow settles between the ceiling joists , later melting and saturating ceilings and other internal finishes .
6 Patterns of colours used in this way are called ‘ aposematic ’ ( the root words apo sema meaning , literally , ‘ away-signal ’ ) .
7 Provided K is large enough and there is a feasible solution , no optimal solution , for any set of costs modified in this way , contains basic variables exceeding their upper bound .
8 The relations of meaning foregrounded in this way are in general relationships of similarity or of contrast ; they are reinforced , here and there , by alliteration and assonance .
9 A good recent example of business introduced in this way was through Kellogg 's of Trafford Park , where Renata Knopp ( Modern Languages graduate 1984 ) is now Staff Personnel Officer .
10 Part Four of this book offers specific examples of plays developed in this way .
11 Each year in Britain , tens of thousands of families suffer in this way and would benefit from the protection that life insurance can offer .
12 Cos , in case there was a mistake and on one side and I , and I had quite a number of things accumulate in that way you know .
13 Although water is far less compressible than air , the aquifer holds a lot of water compressed in this way because it is much larger than a tyre .
14 If he had enquired into it , he would have discovered that there are examples among Huguenot families of names changing in that way , but that nobody named Craingeau or Gringaud or anything else that might sound like Cranko is listed among the Huguenot settlers in South Africa .
15 In the Western world ( though not often in developing countries ) many public library users read recreationally at one time or another , and large numbers of people read in this way almost exclusively .
16 Examples of jackets faced in this way do survive , badged to Militia and Volunteer units ; but it is thought that few , if any , Regular officers acquired them .
17 However , the number of differences generated in this way is certainly small .
18 It is the ability of love to transform in this way that , in Tillich 's view , distinguishes it from the Buddhist concept of compassion .
19 We ca n't have Secretaries of State behaving in this way and talking about respected professionals in such disparaging terms
20 No doubt the hon. Member for Cardiff , North shares a problem that I have , which is that , unfortunately , it is the most difficult thing imaginable to try to get any recompense in respect of property damaged in this way .
21 One-quarter of children treated in this way become dry in two to six weeks , a half dry in one to three months , and 90 per cent dry in four to six months ( Dische 1973 ) .
22 The actual quantity of food provided in this way is not significant , although , of course , you should not overfeed for fear of making your dog obese .
23 The act of joining the scheme in this way is of major significance to the delivery of courses recast in this way .
24 by no means all species of raptors suffered in this way , but sufficient alarm was engendered to lead to demands that organo-chlorides be prohibited .
25 They claim some 10-20pc of Britain 's electricity could be wind-generated in the long term and say every kilowatt of electricity produced in this way saves around a kilogram of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide being emitted from a coal-fired power station .
26 The wearers of boots shod in this way came into their own during icy weather when they were able to outslide everyone else .
27 Groups of gens related in this way from phratries and phratries may be linked one to another in a similar fashion to form tribes .
28 There have been few studies looking at the sexual risk of HIV infection for women who have sex with women and so there are few reported cases of women infected in this way .
29 When numbers of priestesses dressed in this way and danced themselves to a pitch of religious ecstasy , the sight must have inspired awe among the beholders .
30 The amount of energy transferred in this way is written q .
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