Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [noun] [vb pp] over the " in BNC.

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1 In June Sir John was appointed Security Minister with responsibility for law and order , finance and information services after Michael Mates resigned over the Asil Nadir affair .
2 It is clear that a great deal of ley hunting done over the past 50 years has been hunting chance alignments .
3 The UK 's leading environmental groups are maintaining levels of support through the recession , but the rapid rate of membership growth experienced over the past few years has slackened .
4 She lifts from the floor a leather Gladstone bag , and begins to load it with the things she will need for the day : well-thumbed , much underlined and annotated copies of Shirley , Mary Barton , North and South , Sybil , Alton Locke , Felix Holt , Hard Times ; her lecture notes — a palimpsest of holograph revisions in different-coloured inks , beneath which the original typescript is scarcely legible ; and a thick sheaf of student essays marked over the Christmas vacation .
5 So in West Cumbria none of the £5m ( $8.5m ) of ERDF money allocated over the three years has been spent .
6 An even larger protest was held the following year when 10,000 people gathered , many of them climbing a staircase of straw bales built over the ten-foot high barbed wire fence around the site .
7 Two rivers enter the loch : the River Inver , coming down amongst trees from the hills behind , has a pleasant path alongside much used by anglers , with fishing platforms built over the rushing waters .
8 Zambia cried , and with lightning speed vaulted over the safety rail of the gallery and began shinning down support poles to the floor .
9 Miranda had remained quietly on the stool looking at her fat knees , as if she were happy doing so , until one of the shopgirls in costume jewellery leaned over the counter and said , through scarlet lips , ‘ Where 's your mummy gone to then ? ’
10 By 1980 Iran 's total production capacity , weakened by reservoir depletion , natural pressure decline and a backlog of work on maintenance programmes accumulated over the preceding years , was assessed at just 4 million b/d .
11 * Based on unit costs spread over the whole year .
12 The same table also shows that the proportion of women qualifying for unemployment benefit increased over the years so that it surpassed that of men .
13 By this date there must have been a very fine library at Islay House collected over the two hundred years since it was built ; one can not imagine that Eallabus which produced Dr. John Crawford who wrote " A History of the Indian Archipelago " and " A Grammar & Dictionary of the Malay Language , " and the distinguished surgeon Professor Cheine , was without a library .
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