Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [modal v] make a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The manager may be the only member of the team who is present in the office full time to fill these gaps and the responsibility of ensuring continuity for clients may make a manager reluctant to take on a large team of very part-time volunteers .
2 As the Scottish islands await progress on the matter , can the Leader of the House tell us whether the Secretary of State for Scotland will make a statement early next week on ESAs for Scotland ?
3 Most men with a modicum of experience can make a woman feel special , you know , ’ he murmured soothingly .
4 Some of the Scotsmen talked of getting Ramsey as Bishop of Edinburgh but not enough of the Scotsmen wanted an Englishman and no doubt there were those who wondered whether this professor who lived among clouds of glory would make a bishop who perforce lived in a too real world .
5 Equally , each member of staff may make a claim under s 198(1) , ICTA 1988 that an equivalent amount should be allowed as an expense in his or her Sch E assessment .
6 Juveniles in or just out of nest may make a sound remarkably like a gate on an unoiled hinge .
7 MR JUSTICE WOOD , giving the majority judgment , said that Mr Cole 's submission that there must be implied into every contract of employment a term that the Secretary of State should make a payment under section 106 in the event of a redundancy and of an insolvency of the employer could not be accepted .
8 The Secretary of State should make a statement about private security firms guarding the nation 's military establishments .
9 ‘ 111 Sides ’ is an artistic statement whose clarity of aim , musical achievement and depth of vision would make a dog puke up its ring in horror at how pompous , unfunny , dull , long-winded and self-indulgent Bobo The Pop Star can be after a couple of hits .
10 Surely only the most decadent of aristocrats would make a play for another woman while his wife was in the same room .
11 ‘ A couple of boys used to make a thing about getting pretty drunk and then going out , ’ said one of the interviewees .
12 You may need new clothes and , perhaps , a briefcase ; the price of travel can make a hole in even the deepest pocket ; and depending on where your job is , you may need to pay advance rent on new accommodation .
13 Vigorous lobbying through the Conservative backbench education committee in December 1984 secured a rapid retreat from a government proposal that parents of students should make a contribution towards their university fees .
14 True , a haircut , a smattering of designer stubble , the odd earring and a spot of UVA can make a difference , but basically it 's the inner man who 's on display .
15 A party of students from Rickstones will make a return visit to Waldbrol in the summer to gain work experience with German companies .
16 Maybe the arrival of 19-year old loan signing Ian McConnell from Dundee will make a difference .
17 Putting Fairclough on Shearer would make a lot of sense and run to form …
18 Production staff must be conscious that how they build products may affect its EMC performance ; service engineers , likewise , must be sure that they do not compromise EMC once products are in the field ; the purchasing department must be aware that EMC constraints placed on suppliers may make a component more expensive to buy , but will probably save money when the end product is tested as a whole ; and the marketing and sales department must plan to sell the advantage which EMC brings to a product .
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