Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [be] [adj] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In this theory , the real demand for money is proportional to real output ( and does not depend on interest rates at all ) .
2 And that is also why finding time for reflection is vital to good control .
3 A large number of projects are devoted to informal , grassroot communication education programmes designed to help improve the quality of life for thousands of people living in marginalised communities throughout Africa , Asia and Latin America .
4 Every firm of solicitors is subject to detailed professional regulation in relation to its accounting practices , with particular reference to its handling of clients ' money .
5 In the remainder of this section we will examine the following issues : which bodies are subject to judicial review ; what sorts of decision are subject to judicial review ; who can apply to have a decision judicially reviewed ; what remedies are available to an applicant for judicial review ; and the procedures for seeking judicial review .
6 The stores department would of course be subject to complete financial control with all wages for storemen , overheads , transport and materials purchases being debited to the control account , and stores issue notes being credited .
7 A simple error of judgement was tantamount to artistic suicide .
8 Interestingly this figure is consistent with that most often encountered in the literature in this area where usually between 70 per cent to 80 per cent of employers are favourable to young workers .
9 Establishing the causes of mental handicap has always proved difficult , and even today , two-thirds of cases are due to unknown factors .
10 More usually there is no organic basis to sexual difficulty and probably upward of three quarters of cases are due to psychogenic causes .
11 Opinion on certain aspects of party and leader images was more polarized , on others more homogeneous ; and different aspects of images were subject to different influences .
12 ( b ) Reasonable standard of parental care The court must be satisfied that any harm or likelihood of harm is attributable to poor parenting or the child being beyond parental control .
13 If then any acts of animals are analogous to human acts and spring from the same principles we have duties towards the animals because thus we cultivate the corresponding duties towards human beings .
14 The sad fact , well enough known , is that the given conception of consciousness is open to serious counter-examples .
15 Rod claimed the growth in the use of knives was closely-linked to drugs-related crime and protection rackets .
16 Levels of investment are important to economic growth , and it is often considered a ‘ good thing ’ to stimulate growth by inducing a higher level of investment .
17 The scientific system in Britain under pressure to ensure that a greater proportion of research is relevant to economic development and the long-term needs of industry .
18 That some form of religion is essential to human life is indisputable but , to use blind faith instilled since birth , to sustain conflict and hatred is intolerable .
19 By the spring of 1527 , Henry had convinced himself that his marriage to Catherine of Aragon was contrary to divine law and canonically invalid , and had resolved to put Catherine aside and to marry Anne Boleyn .
20 This most luscious of fruits is native to tropical South America , and in the highlands of Brazil wild varieties still flourish .
21 ‘ Casting Britain 's Michael Crawford in the role of Cornelius was close to unintended farce , ’ they wrote .
22 But it is like the first scenario in this : both kinds of eroticism are specific to male bonding , both occur within and against the very situations in which heterosexuality is most ardently pursued , and both are in part the consequence of heterosexual ardour .
23 The ferry takes cars and operates only in the summer months but , at busy times when the more popular crossing at Kyle of Lochalsh is subject to lengthy delays , this smaller ferry at Kylerhea may still provide the quickest route to the island .
24 The levels of compensation are subject to statutory limits which are usually increased annually .
25 For an actor , admission of homosexuality was tantamount to professional suicide , so it was necessary for Clift to hide the fact that he fell in love with men .
26 The right of cancellation is subject to various exceptions which should be noted : ( 1 ) Exempt agreements ( see Chapter 2 ) and also some small agreements in the case of credit sales where the credit does not exceed £50 ( s74(2) ( A ) ) .
27 In the country , the underlying tide of opinion is favourable to Labour : in six months , Gallup 's ‘ fitness to govern ’ test has turned from a negative to a positive while , remarkably , two-thirds of respondents believe they would be better off under Labour .
28 Secondly , Rutter evidently holds that any behavioural effects of lead are irrelevant to social phenomena , eg juvenile delinquency .
29 This short case-study shows the extent to which a multi-plant set of factories is vulnerable to continuing change .
30 Trade in thousands of plants is subject to international controls , and the delegates in Botswana will be turning their attention to exotic-sounding plants , such as the saw-toothed lewisia , Panry 's lemon lily and the boojum tree .
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