Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [conj] [vb -s] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I had nightmares about scrums and tackles from a very early age and refused to play as a linesman , in case I got involved in violence .
2 It is evident from the development work described in an earlier chapter that there are a number of ways in which a framework for assessment that accords with the Cockcroft Committee 's recommendations might be conceptualized .
3 Sunk in biology , she thought , listening for creaks or moans above the ceiling , listening to the soft stirring in her belly , licking her fingers .
4 With the exception of tests in Group 4 , performance rises after waking and falls during the evening .
5 it to be rewritten we usually have one event after Christmas that pays for the extra gas and heating that we use .
6 Remember that demand , leading to overload and pressure , is a function of the disparity between duties and wishes on the one hand and limitations on the other .
7 The Forest Of Shadows encompasses most of the principality of Ostland and lies to the north of the Middle Mountains .
8 The Commission 's other research findings — that much of forensic science is far from certain , capable of misinterpretation and relies upon the defence to draw out its limitations — only add to the need for the defence to have already access to real defence experts .
9 The aisles have moulded parapets , the walls are of flint , the north porch is partly of brick and has near the door a benatura .
10 St Albans is a good example of this type , if we think away the large block of building that lies between the present market place and the street called Chequer Street that lies behind .
11 In essence , it proposes the introduction of a system of checks and balances into the boardrooms of UK listed companies , to be administered by non-executive directors according to a prescribed code of best practice and to be given force by public disclosure of compliance .
12 These votes came after a long and stormy debate ; some deputies warned of the dangers of dictatorship because the proposed new presidency lacked an adequate system of checks and balances by the legislature , and argued that a switch to presidential rule was premature .
13 All that 's changed is the way the formula 's been applied , and the number of calls that counts towards the formula .
14 Anyone who has practised at the Bar knows well that , in the sort of case that arises on an estate , where a number of people are involved , intimidation is such that it may prove impossible for a young man to find witnesses to say that he had left the scene of the crime and that another person was guilty of aggravated theft .
15 In ordinary cars the higher temperature is produced by having a higher compression ratio and one is used to having high performance cars which have a high compression ratio and need special grades of petrol to avoid knocking and pinking and other effects detrimental to the car , and of course that leads to the need for lead to be added to petrol to stop knocking .
16 This method of search , which creates all children of N and opts for a best one , is called generate and test .
17 ACE genotype ( DD more frequent in cases than in controls ) : Population ( different relative frequency of cases and controls in the 4 populations ) : Heterogeneity of ACE genotype effect across populations :
18 He takes me aside a couple of times and begins in a soft Welsh lilt : ‘ I was thinking , now this might not be a good idea and tell me straight away if you do n't like it … ’
19 I mean , the point about this is that actually I must emphasise it 's a needs based assessment , both in allocating the overall amount of money that goes to the various areas and er those of you who 've already looked at it will see that area three seems to have a disproportionately high amount of the money .
20 As we have seen , a public company is no longer permitted to have a charge or lien on its shares except ( a ) when the shares are not fully paid and the charge or lien is for the amount payable on the shares , or ( b ) the ordinary business of the company includes the lending of money or consists of the provision of hire-purchase finance and the charge arises in the course of a transaction in the ordinary course of its business .
21 This creates bimodality of the logical control factor at lower values of creativity and corresponds to the engineer 's imagination .
22 While it is in these that we are primarily interested in for the development of teaching material , they are likely to be dependent on the climate of attitudes that prevails in the lesson .
23 The core used in the magnetic sensor is made by Telcon Metals of Crawley and consists of a toroid wound from a flat tape , one thousandth of an inch thick HCR alloy .
24 For those people who can sever their own feet and lurch away , they got it round the neck later from a special breed of Tightness that lives in the baskets of flowers up lamp posts .
25 It was introduced at a special one-day sitting of parliament and relies on a number of commonwealth powers , including its right to make special laws for any race of people .
26 This case is similar to that of Wright et al in that none of the intestinal tissue provided morphological evidence of lymphoma but differs in the unusual finding of a high grade lymphoma in the pleural lesion .
27 He had broken through the terror barrier , perhaps , and was in the dead calm state of mind that lies on the other side .
28 The peace of mind that comes from the Radio Rentals Total Service Guarantee .
29 The performance , too , often lacks the sort of tension that makes for a live musical experience .
30 They will always be eligible bank bills and not true trade bills and their nomenclature in this context can only be described as a kind of shorthand and corresponds to the requirement that they must be drawn for transaction not capital purposes .
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