Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [conj] [pron] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The police service themselves recognize that there has to be a a need for change that they have to be brought up to date er and er I think you 'll see when I a announce my decisions on the Sheahy report er that er I am taking the need to er reform the police service , very seriously indeed .
2 Would you try , you 're supposed to try wish , wish for luck when you tread in it you know .
3 In our marriage George worries about money and I worry about everything else .
4 When asked who they will vote for , they are being asked as experts because they know about their own vote ; ask them who will win the election and they can only guess , rely on anecdotal information or regurgitate polls or commentators they have read .
5 It is through literature that we grow into a particular kind of awareness of ourselves and — an inseparable corollary — of our manifold relations with each other and all that is not self , without which there is really not much ‘ self ’ to talk about .
6 Well we read about prayer and we know about its power but you know we often do n't avail ourselves off it and yet it 's plainly written .
7 For instance if you look at Selby , at forty two percent of its area constrained , and a high housing value requirement .
8 A second example of the importance of giving opportunities to other people comes from the type of head who , in pursuing the argument that good management of a school should lead to good learning by the child , watches pupils for signs that they do in some way match hopes about independence of mind , wholeness and honesty .
9 The behaviour of some animal rights supporters , who have sometimes appeared to care more for animals than they do for men and women , has also not commended their cause .
10 I did have a chin tuck , and the lady who worked on the book with me said , ‘ Now , Elizabeth , you know we 're going to be together for months and we have to be absolutely honest with each other .
11 They helped build Kuwait and they know about Kuwait and we know about them and we trust each other .
12 In this notebook , recording my random thoughts day after day as I work on the big glass , I can keep my distance from the big glass .
13 The Modular Examinations Committee uses the ‘ 21 rule ’ in considering the eligibility of students to continue for honours when they arrive at the end of the third year with less than 18 passes .
14 It 's trendy 'n' neat and comes complete with the bestest games that you 'll ever meet ; A stylish cassette box is what it is , and it 's yours for nuffin when you subscribe to this !
15 The Yorkshire team are pos are chosen to play for England and they play against teams from Australia comma the West Indies and there should really be a comma there and Pakistan .
16 are chosen to play for England and they play against
17 So the cost of a bottle of whisky that you buy on the plane home from holiday , is made up of both the manufacturer 's price and the airline 's profit .
18 In winter the ground becomes cold and the trees are unable to take in the same amount of moisture as they do in summer .
19 Yeah mhm yeah I mean you may want to select some stuff that 's y'know that represents different kinds of things because as I remember our conversations earlier , you were interested in er y'know sort of ideological soundness , political correctness and y'know were some things funny but sort of off-colour for other reasons erm er I 'm paraphrasing it badly but er y'know I think that th s so you might want to get some stuff that 's sort of ideologically sound and humorous and er some stuff that 's a bit off-colour and humorous and some stuff that 's erm sort of I do n't know some stuff that 's main stream but has got a lot of y'know if you look at something like say The Two Ronnies or something , there 's a lot of there 's a lot of racism and sexism in there but it 's because it 's sort of main stream because it 's family viewing and stuff like that people tend not to think of it as problematic .
20 Instead , our desires reflect the collection of values that we attach to our humanity .
21 Skilled , semi-skilled , non-skilled workers see the different levels of of livelihood that you see to be measured on sort of thing and er therefore you 've got ta good way of representing this society as a whole have n't you .
22 In these cases some psychiatrists resort to the description ‘ schizoaffective ’ which , although itself an old term , is now often used in recognition of the fact that the traditional categories of schizophrenia and affective psychosis really only represent varieties of insanity as they occur in their pure forms .
23 it 's a matter of look when you go in the market
24 The rabbit 's breeding chamber is some 4 or 5 feet ( 1.25 – 1.5 metres ) long and the young are born in a nest of hair where they stay for a month .
25 Well this is part of a one million er £ er campaign to try and raise money for a lot of projects that we run in eight countries in southern Africa , from Angola to Mozambique , where our , the problems are absolutely horrendous er civil war in Mozambique for example , in Malawi , one in ten of the population are refugees , principally from Mozambiquan civil war , arriving at refugee camps in Bark and absolutely nothing er at all in terms of possessions .
26 Amaury de Craon wrote to Edward II from Sablé in November 1323 telling him that the ‘ great uneasiness of heart that I feel as a result of the dispute between you and your brother the king of France , our lord , and a desire to find ways , according to my humble ability , to prevent it , has emboldened me to write the following things ’ .
27 It ca n't bother her Bev because the amount of noise that we get through the walls is so bad and she 's in it , she 's actually there with the animals barking , so she takes no notice whatsoever of them
28 Horses and ponies in the rest of Europe must have the same sort of protection as they do in this country .
29 The Head and Governors have a special burden of responsibility as they do for all matters concerned with the running of the school .
30 The first deals with the reasons of the ( apparent ) diminution of objects as they recede from the eye , and is known as Perspective of Diminution : the second contains the way colours vary as they recede from the eye : the third and last explains how objects should appear less distinct in proportion as they are more remote .
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