Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [art] [noun pl] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 They had all been working at stone-gathering , keeping their pageant money out of sight for fear the constables mark them as robbers or miracle-workers .
2 Feminists who are not linguists also have strong folklinguistic beliefs about women 's speech , and they are — once again — reminiscent of the beliefs of anti-feminists , though of course the feminists interpret them differently .
3 Charged with obscenity the magistrates gave them six months hard labour each .
4 I had to cancel a live radio performance and head for Stornoway , home of the Calvinist hits , where the black puddings come in square boxes in case the ministers think they 're too phallic .
5 The normally staid Independent cleared its front page for a graphic , reminiscent of a medieval woodcut , depicting all stages in the evolution of the Cosmos , while the Sun announced that ‘ We Find the Secret of the Creation ’ and showed a mysterious egg-shaped blob with the caption ‘ AMAZING … the universe with ripples shown in the patchy areas ’ , presumably in case the readers thought they were patches in the rippled areas .
6 We talked of Partition and the how the old princess had thrown the last family heirlooms — a series of beautiful inlaid jade daggers down the haveli well , in case the police arrested them for possessing offensive weapons .
7 The result of the partnership will be an Electronic Software Licensing NetWare Loadable Module , but in addition the companies say they are working on developer tools that will give software authors access to the services needed to build licence-enabled NetWare applications .
8 When they first obtained them from India the Romans mounted them as finger-rings less for their appearance than as symbols of hardness and strength .
9 It was always farming circulars for her father , copies of the newspaper to which he occasionally contributed articles on sheep , seldom anything for her mother beyond invitations the senders knew they were safe from her accepting , or appeals for money from charities , the Scottish Women 's Institute , funds to save a painting for the Glasgow Art Gallery .
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