Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [adj] can [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The direction specifically requires ( in para 4 ) that each report should state on the face of it the name of the party on whose behalf the expert has given the report , the date on which it is given ( of course that can be avoided by the use of an indexed bundle ) , and whether or not it is agreed by the other parties .
2 Three triplet quavers appear fairly early in the piece and then become a frequent feature , but of course these can be regarded as a diminution of cell b in its three-note form .
3 Of course these can be adapted to suit the individual .
4 Egg yolk lecithin ( phosophatidylcholine ) and cholesteryl oleate were dissolved in chloroform:methanol ( 2:1 ) and mixed together in a molar ratio of 25:1 as Forrest and Cushley have reported that a maximum of 5 mol% of cholesteryl ester can be incorporated into phosphatidylcholine vesicles .
5 At the lowest operating speeds [ Fig.s .2 ( a ) ] the current waveforms are nearly rectangular , the build-up of current to the rated level occupies a minor portion of the excitation time and the methods of Chapter 4 can be used to calculate the pull-out torque .
6 In this case the technique of Exercise 6 of Chapter 6 can be used to find an initial value of θ ( see Exercise 4 ) .
7 Any of A , B , and 8 can be considered as control parameters , but from a physical point of view it is interesting to use 8 ( which can be varied through its full range by translation of one mirror over one wavelength ) to minimise the threshold value of A. This can be done analytically , based on ( 7.8 ) , and Fig. 7.3 shows A2B vs B for = 1 ( bistability ) and = — 1 ( 2tR or P2 ) instabilities .
8 If now we postmultiply the ( 3 × 2 ) submatrix of A by I , we can add the last result to it to recover A as the matrix product unc Finally , a matrix of rank 1 can be expressed as the product of a column and a row in that order — for such a matrix has effectively only one independent column , all the other columns being proportional to it ; similarly for the rows .
9 Our next step will be to show how the same two-part chords of Example 114 can be given much more tension through harsh dissonances added in a lower part : The lower part is always a semitone or a major 7th from an upper part .
10 Assuming four-part harmony , the series of Example 126 can be used vertically in descending order , as in ( a ) , or ascending order , as in ( b ) .
11 One other supporter of Pippin II can be identified with some certainty : that was Bernard , the former chamberlain , whose downfall in 830 had been so dramatic .
12 In the material area of life this can be guaranteed only by the existence of private property rights .
13 These can be stored in the 100 program onboard memory , but by using an additional ROM card the amount of programs available can be expanded to 200 .
14 The line MM shows how a money supply of £50 million can be divided between transactions and speculative holdings .
15 Preliminary results have shown good differentiation between science texts and general texts ; although to what level of detail this can be applied ( i.e. , identification of topic ? ) remains unspecified .
16 If necessary , the circuit of Fig. 2 can be duplicated to permit simultaneous adjustment of both engines on a twin engined aircraft .
17 If possible price levels to achieve this can be hypothesized , the model of table 5.2 can be used to inquire whether the experience-curve effect is adequate to sustain a positive NPV at such price levels .
18 In the feminist appropriation of Lacan this can be seen as a result of patriarchal structures , and the differential entry into the world of language of the human male and female .
19 A graph of against r 2 can be constructed by measuring the concentrations at different points in the cell and M 2 can be calculated from the slope .
20 It also means that whatever part of the brain it is that deals with matters grammatical can be regarded as relatively low in the so-called sub-recursive hierarchy of computing machines — putting it within easier reach , perhaps , of the evolution of cognitive capacities ‘ from below ’ .
21 Any additional endowment cover you may require with HeadStart 531 can be provided by Sun Life , one of the UK 's most respected life assurance companies .
22 Corns , heel calluses and hammer toes are common complaints , but with care most can be avoided .
23 With children this can be played with an apple or a small cake as the prize for the winner .
24 This is more problematic , since threats generally refer to some future contingency rather than the present , and the section requires belief that violence ‘ will be used ’ The Court of Appeal certified that a point of law of general public importance was involved in the question whether an offence under section 5 can be committed by a person who is already breaching the peace by the acts complained of .
25 For example 611.5 can be used to represent a new subject which has links with the subjects at both 611 and 612 ; however , unless the new subject is a subdivision of 611 , to place it at 611.5 will impair the expressiveness of the notation .
26 Tunnard ( 1989 ) makes some excellent suggestions about ways this can be achieved , including : improving ways of providing emergency protection for children at times of crisis by drawing upon the support of the extended family and local community ; involving parents in decision making , providing parents ' representatives and encouraging the development of local support groups ; improving what happens after separation by offering children and families choices about what can be done , and ensuring contact is promoted and maintained ; dealing with sexual abuse cases in ways that help non-abusing parents to avoid taking a defensive position and that give them the resources and support they need to be able to protect their children .
27 In part this can be attributed to the diverse scopes that have been claimed for sociolinguistics ( see Trudgill , 1978 : Introduction ) , but in part it comes about because sociolinguists are interested in inter-relations between language and society however these are manifested in grammatical systems : sociolinguistics is not a component or level of a grammar in the way that syntax , semantics , phonology and , quite plausibly , pragmatics are .
28 In shorthand this can be expressed as .
29 The data given in figure 10.2 can be re-expressed in terms of the ratio of men 's hourly pay to women 's , which fell in the mid-1970s from the traditional level , around 1.67 , to 1.45 in 1977 and after .
30 Any frequency distribution such as that schematically shown in Figure 1.2 can be described by the moments the first four of which are commonly used in statistics .
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